The new honcho at the original 24 hour news network wants to be more subtle and less alarmest.
Addressing an analytical pet peeve (and, more importantly, correcting a mistake).
Did you know that the elephant population has tripled over the last six months?
The GOP is actually pretty healthy at the moment, despite some public rhetoric to the contrary.
The official campaign to oust Donald Trump is off to a good start.
Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.
Stories from sites like The Onion are routinely shared on social media and perceived as real news.
America’s Newspaper of Record has decided the backlash isn’t worth it.
Trump’s penchant for behaving more like a talk radio host than a POTUS continues unabated.
A classic demonstration of the old maxim, “the medium is the message.”
It’s increasingly challenging to discuss media coverage because we’re all consuming a hand-selected bit of it.
Breathless coverage of this freshman Congressman is getting tiresome.
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is the latest Democratic entrant into the 2020 race for President.
With the election over, New York’s junior Senator seems to have changed her mind about running for President.
One of the longest-lasting characters on The Simpsons may not be long for this world, but before we write him off perhaps we ought to stop and think.
The crying Honduran girl who has become a symbol of a brutal policy actually is not one of its victims.
As has often been the case, the White House Correspondent’s Dinner is arousing some degree of controversy, mostly because of the comedy or lack thereof.
Controversies involving Jimmy Kimmel and “The Simpsons” highlight a perennial question.
The White House chief of staff has downgraded the President’s son-in-law’s access to classified information. We’ll see how long that lasts.
Donald Trump lies about even the most trivial matters, How are we supposed to believe anything else he says?
Sean Spicer now says he regrets the lies that defined his time at the White House.
Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer poked fun at himself on last night’s Emmy broadcast, and the political pundits are all in pearl-clutching mode because of it.
So what’s wrong with the Whitelash Backlash thesis? Not everything, actually. But plenty.
Distinguishing between anti-elite populism and coded anti-Semitism is next to impossible.
With top Republicans recoiling from the realization that the GOP is stuck with Trump in 2016, the ground seems to be being prepared for a conflict that could tear the GOP apart regardless of who wins in November.
American Astronaut Scott Kelly is back home after a year in orbit.
Bernie Sanders scored a big win in New Hampshire, as most people expected, but the look ahead still tells us that Hillary Clinton will eventually be the Democratic nominee for President.
According to reports, Vice-President Biden may or may not be close to a decision about running for President, and he may or may not be running.
Time is running out for Joe Biden to make a decision about running for President, and it’s still not clear what he’ll do.
Vice-President Biden dropped another hint that suggests he might not be up to running for President.
Jon Stewart is stepping down as the host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” after sixteen years.
Fears about convention goers taking advantage of Colorado’s marijuana laws could harm Denver’s chances of getting the GOP Convention.
A step up from The Colbert Report.
Apparently, there is an off ramp on the Appalachian Trail
To borrow a phrase from Stephen Colbert, if you want to understand how Congress works, you better know a District.