UNC’s loss is the nation’s most prestigious HBCU’s gain.
The one-time wunderkind, blogging pioneer, and same-sex marriage champion is now on the outs.
Congress is considering a bill that would establish a commission to examine the issue of reparations for slavery.;
Andrew Sullivan wonders, “Will there always be an England?”
The Atlantic fired one of their few conservative voices for saying women who have abortions should be hanged. Was this beyond the pale?
The opinion journalist who has lately been writing the Black Panther comics is taking on one of the format’s most iconic characters.
The Supreme Court begins another term faced with the prospect of having to spend much of their time dealing with the fact that they’re short a member.
The Supreme Court has once again issued a ruling that further chips away at the protections of the Fourth Amendment.
The murders in Charleston have revived a debate that should have been over a long time ago.
Ta-Nehisi Coates is insightful and eloquent. He’s wrong in this instance.
Ta-Nehisi Coates explores his complicated reaction to the first African-American president.
Some on the American right have a very odd view of both Nelson Mandela and the Apartheid regime he fought against.
Most deprived subcultures resent those among them who strive too hard to escape–much less succeed.
Why won’t the “women don’t get pregnant from rape” meme die?
With “How the Quiet Car Explains the World,” Ta-Nehisi Coates has become an old white dude.
A culture of fact-checking, of honesty, is as important as the actual fact-checking.
The cover-up at Penn State was, if anything, worse than we thought,.
You have Martin Luther King’s statue in your office, but you are sending these unmanned drones out, and bombs are dropping on innocent people.
Figuring out how much of the opposition to a black president is based on racism is . . . complicated.
A blog post lampooning black studies dissertations got a writer fired, setting off a controversy over the limits of free speech.
The Panthers rookie is having a historic season. Were doubts that he could succeed colored by race?
The story of Perry’s hunting lodge probably doesn’t tell us that much about Perry, but it is still telling.
There was a somewhat disturbing moment during last night’s GOP Debate.
The Tea Party movement and the populist backlash against DC mayor Adrian Fenty are a sign that things are changing so fast that a lot of people simply can’t adjust.
Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas’ new book, AMERICAN TALIBAN: HOW WAR, SEX, SIN, AND POWER BIND JIHADISTS AND THE RADICAL RIGHT, continues a long tradition in political polemics.