The “Post-Truth” Era?

General (Retired) Michael Hayden has some harsh, and concerning, criticisms of the Trump administration.

[Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles] [Death penalty - image of a stretcher with shackles]

Alabama Executes Walter Leroy Moody, Perpetrator of Racist Bombing Spree

If we’re going to have a death penalty, he was its poster boy.

Trump Weighs Options In Syria While His Twitter Taunting Foolishly Risks Escalation

President Trump took to Twitter this morning and decided poke a stick in the eye of the Russian bear.

Noor Salman Was Acquitted in the Orlando Massacre; She Wasn’t Innocent

The FBI committed gross malfeasance in building a case against the widow of Omar Mateen. She nonetheless bears significant blame for 53 deaths.

How That “Caravan” Of Immigrants Became A Focus Of Panic On The Right

Thanks to a combination of sensationalism and outright lies, a fairly conventional story about an annual protest march in Mexico was turned into Fox News fodder that raised images of an invading army of illegal immigrants.

YouTube Shooter Nasim Aghdam Was Crazy

The woman who wounded three people at the video company before killing herself posted insane rants all over social media.

Gina Haspel Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah (But She Pushed to Have Tapes Destroyed)

ProPublica has retracted an explosive but erroneous report about the nominee to be the next CIA Director.

The Pompeo And Haspel Nominations Could Be In Trouble In The Senate

The nominations of Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel could be in trouble in the Senate.

Most of West Africa Now Qualifies for Combat Pay

Service members deployed to Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Niger, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tunisia, and Uganda qualify.

Facebook, Google Get One Hour From EU to Scrub Terror Content

Yet more absurdity from Brussels, where regulators seemingly don’t understand how the Internet works.

Fourth Circuit Strikes Down Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Another day, another Court ruling against the Trump Administration.

False Missile Alert In Hawaii Still Shrouded In Mystery

Two weeks later, it’s still unclear what caused a false missile alert to be sent out in Hawaii.

Donald Trump Reportedly Won’t Visit United Kingdom Unless Theresa May Bans Protests

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular in the United Kingdom, and that’s apparently causing him to eschew visiting the United States’s most important ally.

Supreme Court Takes Up Appeal Of Order Barring Enforcement Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

The Supreme Court agreed to hear the Government’s appeal of the Trump Administration’s revised Muslim Travel Ban

False Missile Alert In Hawaii Causes Panic And Raises Questions And Concerns

Fortunately, yesterday’s missile alert in Hawaii was a false alarm. However, it is raising questions about the early warning system that’s in place and the state’s preparedness in case of an actual attack.

Anti-Government Protests Spread In Iran

Anti-government protests are spreading in Iran.

Appeals Court Strikes Down Third Version Of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban

Late yesterday, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling striking down the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban.

Remember Pearl Harbor?

Yesterday was the seventy-sixth anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. For most Americans, though, it was just another day. That’s only natural.

Supreme Court Lifts Injunctions Against Trump Administration’s Muslim Travel Ban Version 3.0

The Supreme Court is allowing the latest version of Donald Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban to go into effect.

Hundreds Killed In Terrorist Attack On Mosque In Egypt

A horrible terror attack in Egypt.

Happy Thanksgiving From Outside The Beltway!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Eight Killed and Nearly A Dozen Injured In New York City Terror Attack

A month that was highlighted by the capture of the ISIS capital city of Raqqa ends with an apparent lone wolf ISIS-inspired attack in New York City

Two Federal Courts Block Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Again

Two Federal Judges have issued orders blocking the latest version of President Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban.

Catalan Government May Declare Independence Next Week, But It Will Be Meaningless

After Sunday’s referendum, the government of Catalonia says it may declare independence from Spain as early as Monday. However, it’s likely to be a completely meaningless act.

U.S. Won’t Recognize Kurdish Independence Referendum

The U.S is joining the rest of the world in refusing to recognize the independence referendum conducted by Iraqi Kurds.

North Korea Threatens War As Trump Ups His Fiery, Irrational Rhetoric

Donald Trump’s increasingly confrontational rhetoric regarding North Korea is leading to similar rhetoric from the DPRK, and concern among top diplomats.

Trump Administration Issues Indefinite Travel Ban Aimed Mostly At Muslims

The Trump Administration has issued a new travel ban to replace the temporary one that expired late last week, but it still suffers from most of the same defects as its initial efforts.

Mueller’s Russia Investigation Closing In On Paul Manafort

Special counsel Robert Mueller could be looking to “flip” Paul Manafort, giving President Trump and those close to him something new to worry about.

Remembering 9/11 Without Obsessing Over It

At some point, it will be time to move on.

At Least Thirteen Dead, Dozens Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In Spain

At least thirteen dead in an apparent terrorist attack in Spain.

Van Attack Outside London Mosque Kills One, Injures Ten, In Apparent Anti-Muslim Attack

A van struck a crowd outside a London mosque late last night in an attack by a man who said he wanted to kill Muslims.

Macron’s Centrist Party Scores Big Wins In French Legislative Elections

The political party formed by French President Emmanuel Macron just about a year ago scored big wins in yesterday’s first round of legislative elections.

Trump May Cancel Trip To United Kingdom Due To Planned Protests

Reports are indicating that President Trump may cancel or delay his trip to the United Kingdom due to planned protests.

British Election Leads To Hung Parliament, Theresa May Forms Uncertain Coalition

A massive political miscalculation by Theresa May leads to an uncertain future in the United Kingdom.

London Attack Leads To Another Incoherent Trump Twitter Tirade

President Trump responded to last night’s terror attacks by taking to Twitter.

Six Killed, Dozens Injured, In Late Night Terror Attack In London

Another night of terror in the United Kingdom.

David Clarke’s Plagiarized Masters Thesis

The infamous former sheriff and current Trump Homeland Security official committed academic fraud.

Macron and Le Pen Advance To Runoff In French Presidential Election

French voters face a stark choice in the May 7th runoff for President. Hopefully, they’ll make the correct choice.

Explosions At St. Petersburg Subway Stations Kill At Least Ten

An apparent terrorist attack in Russia’s second largest city.

At Least Three Dead, Twenty Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In London

An apparent terror attack outside Parliament in London.

Hawaii Sues Trump Administration Over Renewed Muslim Ban Executive Order

Hawaii is the first state to challenge the Trump Administration’s revised Muslim travel ban.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Lied, The Truth Died

Donald Trump took to Twitter again this morning with predictable results.

The Buck Stops Elsewhere?

A new Pentagon proposal would place more discretion in the hands of field commanders, removing the need for Presidential approval.

Military Judge Declines To Dismiss Case Against Bowe Bergdahl Based On Trump’s Comments

A military judge has rejected a motion to dismiss the case against Bowe Bergdahl based on comments made by Donald Trump when he was a candidate for President.

Trump: Fear-mongering in Florida

The President gathered supporters around him, and blatantly lied to them, so as to increase support for his policies.

Older Brother Of Kim Jong-Un Murdered In Kuala Lumpur

North Korean Intrigue…….

Families Of Pulse Nightclub Shooting Victims Sue Facebook, Twitter, And Google

Survivors and family members of the Pulse Nightclub attack have filed what amounts to a frivolous lawsuit.

Sometimes History Doesn’t Repeat Itself

Ambassador Karlov is mostly likely not a modern day Archduke Franz Ferdinand.