There was a time when Mike Pence believed that a President’s personality morality and trustworthiness mattered. He clearly doesn’t believe that anymore.
In the age of Trump, morality is optional for conservatives.
Rex Tillerson was an awful Secretary of State who simply had to go, It’s quite possible his successor will be an even greater disaster.
Not surprisingly, the Trump Administration has revoked guidelines to public schools that required accommodation of transgender students.
For most Americans, the debate over same-sex marriage is over and marriage equality has won. This would not, however, include the social conservatives who continue to have a much too vocal role in the Republican Party.
One freshman Senator seems to think that war with Iran would be easy, just like Republicans used to think that war against Iraq would be easy.
Some Republicans are trying to move their party in the right direction on marriage equality, but it’s unclear if they will succeed in the short term.
The Republican frontrunner claims he doesn’t read America’s most important newspaper.
Sooner than one might have expected, Republicans are starting to battle over the issue of marriage equality.
Todd Akin says he’s staying in the race, but his party is abandoning him.
Whether or not it’s proper to call the FRC a “hate group,” the persecution complex being displayed in the wake of Tuesday’s shooting is absurd.
Entirely unsurprisingly, the shooting at the Family Research Center’s office in Washington, D.C. is already being politicized.
Based on the postmortems, it certainly seems like the Romney campaign threw Richard Grenell under the bus.
Richard Grenell’s time as Mitt Romney’s foreign policy spokesman lasted less than a month. The fact that he’s gay appears to be the reason it ended.
Rick Santorum won the night, but Mitt Romney continues to win the delegate hunt.
It seems that Saturday’s vote by evangelical leaders in favor of Rick Santorum was less than meets the eye.
150-plus evangelical leaders are trying to derail the Romney Express. They’re going to get run over.
What is Donald Trump up to? Only he seems to know for sure.
Opposition to marriage equality is no longer the wedge issue it used to be.
The words “mother” and “father” will be removed from U.S. passport applications and replaced with gender neutral terminology.
Could Mike Pence make the leap from the House of Representatives to the White House ? It’s possible, but history and the likely GOP field in 2012 suggest it would be very difficult.