Millie Kondracke, R.I.P.
Morton Kondracke’s wife, Millie, has died after a long bout with Parkinson’s Disease, NRO’s Kathryn Lopez reports.
Sad news indeed. I’ve been watching Mort on television for as long as I can remember and have always found him likeable even though I usually disagreed with him. Michelle Malkin passes on her condolences and has some kind words to say about Mort, too.
My sincerest condolences to Mort Kondracke in this time of sorrow. Three years ago this week I lost my beloved wife. She had suffered with MS for ten years, then succumbed to a cerebral hemorrhage. But my Lydia was always more sympathetic to the suffering of others, and followed the story of Millie Kondracke with great interest. I hope the two are conversing in Heaven now.