Twitter Problems Solved
Conor Friersdorf is, like most of us, a Twitter skeptic. He predicts “within a year or two, either the wider Twitter frenzy will die down, or else all these people will switch to a Twitter replacement that is more exclusive, or at least provides a better way to separate ‘Tweets’ one actually wants to get from ‘Tweets’ one doesn’t.”
His commenter Henk ter Heide points out that, “Twitter actually has a very good way to separate the tweets you want to read from the ones you don’t want to read: Just unfollow anyone who’s tweets you don’t want to read!”
Problem solved!
Well, here it is, though James. For all that you and I are both on the thing, I haven’t seen any ads on the thing and I doubt you have, either, particularly in the clients taht use the API, sch as the WP plugins, or Tweetdeck, etc.
So the questions becomes, how in the world is Twitter making any money for anyone? Someone’s paying bigtime for all the bandwidth… Yet there’s no visible means of support.
What’s up with this?
Presumably, they’re hoping to sell it to Google or Microsoft or Rupert Murdoch.
And thus does Western Civilization decline.
I’ve thought of that as well. I’ve seen other ideas as well, some of which point out that Obama has more followers than anyone on Twitter. People who point this out wonder if the thing wasn’t set up for this express purpose by someone with a few bucks to rub together for political purposes. Seems a little extreme, though in the end, I suppose I’d not put it past them. The timing of the thing works pretty well….
One Bit!