Walz: A Special Open Forum

Some thoughts and the chance for you all to discuss.

Source: the White House

CNN is reporting that the ticket will be Harris-Walz, but there has been no official announcement (unless events unfold while I type).

I never got around to writing a post on the veepables, but Walz was, at least in the draft state in my head before I wrote a single word, was my number three (it went Kelly, Walz, Shapiro). I will confess that the rankings were soft to say the least (and the distance between 1 and 3 being very narrow).

Kelly and Shapiro have the swing-state advantage. I have seen, but not delved into, some research stating that the running mate may be worth up to 1 percentage point in their home state, which made PA and AZ of interest.

Shapiro was my number 3 because I fear he picks at the Israel-Palestine issue in a way that would be unhelpful to Harris at this time.

Walz makes an awesome contrast to Vance and has the advantage of Congressional and executive-level experience. That he comes from a small town of 400 and represented a conservative district is a good balance to Harris. His “weird” attack line has been both highly effective and not mean, which is a sign of some serious political skills.

I would recommend his interview with Erza Klein from last week if you want to learn more.


FILED UNDER: 2024 Election, Open Forum, US Politics, , ,
Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a retired Professor of Political Science and former College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter


  1. Jen says:

    I think it’s a good choice. I wonder how many times his last name will be misspelled “Waltz.”

    Shapiro’s issues weren’t limited to Israel-Palestine, there was also a sexual harassment complaint against one of his aides that seemed kinda swept under the rug that would have potentially been an issue. I think these were piling up and would have proved to be an unneeded distraction.

    Walz seems genuine, stable, and experienced. Nice counterpoints to Vance.

    (A bit mind-blowing that Harris and Walz are the basically the same age, she looks much younger than him.)

  2. Gustopher says:

    That photo on this post — that’s Harris taking her new VP choice to the vet to make sure he’s healthy and up on his shots, right? Maybe get his nails trimmed so he doesn’t scratch the furniture.

    A new VP candidate is a big responsibility. I mean, look at JD Vance — he won’t stop barking insane things, and he is terrible around the furniture.

  3. Beth says:



  4. gVOR10 says:

    @Gustopher: Gawd I’m glad OTB is back. I just don’t get this quality of comments at other blogs.

  5. DeD says:

    I’m glad Shapiro wasn’t the pick. He seems a little too slick for me. I know that will rub MR the wrong way. I had friends like that growing up; always too slick by half, with a hidden side agenda going. That’s how Shapiro struck me. But what do I know: my political analysis is almost always wrong and full of shyt.

  6. Scott F. says:


    A bit mind-blowing that Harris and Walz are the basically the same age, she looks much younger than him.

    I’m seeing some commentary stating Walz’ Dad Look undermines the Harris campaigns’ turn to the future messaging. I actually think his making her look younger by comparison is a net plus.

    BTW – find the video of Walz at the MN State Fair with his daughter if you need to evidence that the governor isn’t very young at heart.

  7. Not the IT Dept. says:

    My comment copied and pasted from the Forum:

    James Fallows called it at the end of July. Here’s his column on Walz and tells you a lot about a good man:


  8. Jay L Gischer says:

    My wife is from Minnesota. Walz completely typifies the Democratic candidates from her younger days, and the midwest. Phlegmatic, deadpan humor, down-to-earth rhetoric.

    And his bio! He was a football coach AND the first faculty sponsor of the GSA at his school.

    I think that I like that he has been around conservatives all his life and can handle challenges in a very grounded and down-to-earth kind of way.

  9. Matt Bernius says:

    Personally, I think this is a good pick. Walz has mostly a lot of positives. The fact he’s been able to marry progressive policies with a down-home approach is helpful. He also has a good record with organized labor. It also gives Harris the potential to tack a bit more to the “center” on some things.

    I was never on team Shapiro. Frankly, I think he would benefit from more time in office. And to @Jen’s points, he has some stuff in his background that could surface (also a question about a case ruled a suicide that has been circulating). And honestly, given what appear to be his clear Presidential asperations, he might have chaffed in the VP position (or not really wanted it).

    Walz’s “vulnerabilities” will probably be tied to 2020 and BLM protests (and associated riots). I’m not sure the Republicans really want voters returning to 2020, especially given who was in the White House that year.

    I also hope the Republicans will not try to bring up his shepherding of Clean Slate laws that automatically cleared misdemeanors and some felony records after the successful completion of sentences. Not only is that a topic that is really near and dear to me, but it’s a dumb line of attack for many reasons (not only former President Trump’s recent felony conviction, but also the fact he passed the First Step Act which was specifically focused on helping people who completed Federal Sentences get back on their feet). That said, I’m already seeing these attacks on Xtter.

    Another attack I’m seeing is that this somehow demonstrates that the Democrats are anti-Semitic. For my thoughts on that, see this separate post: https://outsidethebeltway.com/picking-walz-is-not-antisemitism/

  10. Moosebreath says:


    “I had friends like that growing up; always too slick by half, with a hidden side agenda going. That’s how Shapiro struck me.”

    No, he definitely gives those vibes. My mother (who has known him for almost 20 years, since he was her State Representative) always describes him as primarily interested in what’s good for Josh. My comment that this does not really make him different than most politicians seems unheeded by her.

  11. Sleeping Dog says:

    We’re in MN now and among our friends, the only regret of Walz as VP is he’d no longer be Gov of MN. Among the named under consideration, there were no bad choices, with each having there benefits and deficiencies.

    Walz will provide a stark contrast to Vance, that will perpetuate the R’s are weird meme.

  12. DeD says:

    @Sleeping Dog:

    All one has to do is imagine the Walz-Vance debate to be convinced the selection was spot on. Like Walz said: Ensuring school kids can eat so they can concentrate on learning? What a monster! Contrast that to GOP votes to deny school children a free lunch. What kind of asshole would deny school kids a free lunch?

  13. Michael Reynolds says:

    Actually, I was worried about Shapiro for two reasons: it would have brought Gaza back to the fore. And he comes across as one of those clever, condescending Jews from back east. Much as Blacks I imagine still do, Jews have always posed the question, “Is this good or bad for the Jews?” My guess* is most Jews will breathe a sigh of relief.

    *I don’t hang out at the synagogue.** Although I will eat a pastrami on rye, lean but not too lean.
    **Picturing a Vegas synagogue. If you don’t think there’ll be slot machines, you’ve never been to Vegas.

  14. Modulo Myself says:

    I’m looking forward to the attacks on Walz for not being ‘real’ due to the fact that he’s not an asshole about Israel or trans kids or whatever. They might actually work. I don’t even know…Shapiro just seemed to be the type of guy who had racists views when he was kid and probably, in his darkest hour, knows what’s up now, but has such an inferiority complex he can’t back down. Part of me thinks this is what suburbanites and potato-shaped media centrists want.

  15. DeD says:

    @Michael Reynolds:

    Although I will eat a pastrami on rye, lean but not too lean.

    I do miss those Boston delis…

  16. Pylon says:

    Even if not from their state, IMO Walz appeals to swing state voters. He’s a working class guy – military but not West Point, educated but not Harvard/Yale, smart but not “intellectual/elite”.

  17. gVOR10 says:

    I like the weird thing, which Walz is getting credited for starting. I cracked awhile ago that it’s hard for them to flip. If we say Trump is weird, he wears makeup and has a weird combover, what can they do, reply that Harris wears makeup? Now we can add, what can they do, focus attention on bald by saying Walz is bald?

    TAC today has a piece charging Harris is weird, authored by Tommy Tuberville. The irony seems to have escaped them.

  18. Steve says:

    I am driving from PA to Nashville to visit my grandson. I have had right wing talk radio on quite a bit. Two things they really seem to be going after are the Floyd riots and also the claim that he forced nursing home to take Covid patients back from the hospital. The same claims were made about PA and NY. I practiced in PA and hired ICU docs who worked in NY during that time.

    What really happened among the many facilities with which I and my fellow docs were in communication with is that nursing homes were getting pressure to not allow any Covid patients back at all. At the time hospitals were overflowing and we wanted to send back patients who had recovered and we were pretty sure were no longer infectious. As we were not 100% sure how long that period was we were being overly cautious. (We now send them back much earlier) What the governors did was give nursing homes cover to take people back.

    I probably take this a bit too personal as the assumption by all these right morons is that the medical profession couldn’t figure out on its own without input from the morons that if we sent back someone we thought was still infectious that it would create a lot of new sick people. Really, honestly we figured that out. Anyway, sorry for the rant but even though Covid is so recent it is so distorted.


  19. inhumans99 says:


    The guy whose own staff calls him coach instead of Senator, yeah, I think James called that weird long before weird was having a moment.

    I am truly feeling confident that Kamala / Walz will be the winners come election day, but many folks have pointed out that while it may feel like it has been 2 months since Kamala became the candidate for President it has only been 2 weeks and so much stuff has already happened.

    There is still a lot of time between now and the election so a lot can happen, but I am not worried as much because it feels like Kamala and her team understands that to win they have to treat the situation like a marathon not a sprint.

  20. CSK says:

    I mentioned this in the open forum, but it’s more apropos here: The MAGAS hate Walz because he’s a Commie. But they’re thrilled Harris picked him because that assures her loss in November.

  21. Monala says:

    A great comment I saw somewhere today: Because he was a teacher, Walz will do well dealing with the media and Republicans. He knows how to deal with stupid questions and immature people.

  22. Stormy Dragon says:

    One very esoteric factor that may have hurt Shapiro: the Pennsylvania State Senate is very closely split (3 seats) and the Lt. Governor is the deciding vote.

    If Shapiro leaves to serve as VP, that deciding vote switches from Democrat Austin Davis to Santorum protege Kim Ward.

    There’s a possibility that taking Shapiro could have ended up blocking a Democratic trifecta in November…

  23. Michael Cain says:

    My interests are narrow. Walz is much better on climate change and the environment than Shapiro.

  24. Grumpy realist says:

    All right—has Walz told any good lutefisk jokes? That’s what REALLY counts.

  25. Mikey says:

    Walz is speaking at the Philadelphia rally right now. He is really good.

  26. Tony W says:

    Just watched Walz’ speech in Pennsylvania.

    He literally challenged Vance to “get off the couch and debate me”.

    I can’t believe he went there.

    I’m dead.

  27. Mikey says:

    @Mikey: Seriously. He’s a natural.

  28. Steve says:

    I live in PA and like Shapiro quite a bit and would have been happy if he was chosen but think he will be better at top of ticket. Also, Walz will be the most normal, relatable guy on a ticket in a while for lots of people.


  29. Mikey says:

    @Tony W: Man, I about split my sides at that…lol

  30. mattbernius says:


    I live in PA and like Shapiro quite a bit and would have been happy if he was chosen but think he will be better at top of ticket.

    That’s my feeling too.

  31. gVOR10 says:

    @Grumpy realist: I was raised as a North Dakota Norwegian. I’m surprised there are four other upvoters at OTB who know what lutefisk is.

  32. steve says:

    Lutefisk is a long running joke in our family, but then we are kinda foodies. Before I retired I had a pt who went to Norway regularly for business purposes. He claimed the stuff is great. I remain skeptical.


  33. Stormy Dragon says:


    I’m surprised there are four other upvoters at OTB who know what lutefisk is.

    Lena and Ole will tell ya all about it!

  34. Grumpy realist says:

    @gVOR10: in my prior career I worked with 3M and travelled to Minnesota a lot. Hence, all the lutefisk…and lutefisk jokes. I think the funniest is the explanation of why you can’t introduce lutefisk into a story in How To Talk Minnesotan.