61% Of Alaskans Have Unfavorable Opinion Of Sarah Palin

There, is I think, no better example of Sarah Palin’s current political prospects than what her own former constituents think of her:

A new Alaska Poll released today shows 61% of Alaskans have a “very unfavorable” or “somewhat unfavorable” opinion of Palin, a former governor and the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee.

Thirty-six percent view Palin positively, according to the survey by Dittman Research & Communications.

“There are a number of reasons why her popularity isn’t nearly what it once was,” said Matt Larkin, president of Dittman Research & Communications. “A fair number of Alaskans just have Sarah Palin fatigue.”

Larkin notes Palin once had an approval rating of 86% when she was governor. Today, Alaska legislators are trying to undo some of the legislation Palin got passed and Larkin believes some people could still be upset that she abruptly resigned in 2009 before her term was over.

It’s sort of like judging a restaurant based on what the people who’ve been eating there for years say about it.


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Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. tom p says:

    cue the Doug M is obsessed with Palin in 3…2….1…

  2. Hey Norm says:

    Palin can’t win Alska. T-Paw can’t win Minnesota. Barbour can wi Mississippi by probably not much else. Trump can’t win…what’s his constituency?
    Not pretty for the GOP.
    The field is wide open for Scott Brown, and maybe Christie. But I think Christies abrasiveness may put off voters.
    At any rate the so-called republicans always have their front-runner by now. So I guess it’s Trump/Bachmann ’12. You’re Hired!!!

  3. wr says:

    Christie can’t win New Jersey. And while a certain kind of Republicans will always be drawn to the big bully, that’s not a persona that will play well on a national stage.

  4. Wiley Stoner says:

    All that might be true until you run Palin against Obama. After a brutal campaign where it is perfectly clear Obama is the liar that he is. (Demonstration of my claim he is a liar. He claimed in a recent speech his mother got food stamps. He was born in 1961, and lived over seas for many of his formative years. His mother had little change of being on welfare, however the food stamp program was not starte until 1977, so Stanly Ann Dunham never received food stamps. Hence Obama is a liar.) just about any viable candidate will be able to defeat Obama. A vast majority of Americans think Obama is on the wrong path. That is not the way to win reelection. By the way Doug, did you catch her speech in Madison? Notice no head wagging because of teleprompters? Notice a clear and concise speech? She knows how to fight like a girl.

  5. Davebo says:

    Is anyone surprised that the citizens of the number on freeloading state in the nation (the only state that actually pays it’s citizens to live there) might not be too keen on the politician who harps constantly, and often obtusely, about shrinking the federal government?

    They may be “freeloaders” but they obviously aren’t stupid.

  6. Wiley Stoner says:

    Looks to me she might be pretty popular in the lower 48. Over 25 million people viewed her speech in Madison.

  7. Kylopod says:

    Demonstration of my claim he is a liar. He claimed in a recent speech his mother got food stamps. He was born in 1961, and lived over seas for many of his formative years. His mother had little change of being on welfare, however the food stamp program was not starte until 1977, so Stanly Ann Dunham never received food stamps. Hence Obama is a liar.

    I had to look this one up. It didn’t take me long. It’s a story that’s been passed around the right-wing blogosphere for some time. It came from a 2006 Time Magazine article, where Obama was quoted as saying the following:

    “For example, I was going to a fancy prep school, and my mother was on food stamps while she was getting her Ph.D.”

    Note: Ann Dunham began working toward her Ph.D. in the mid-’70s, and didn’t complete it till 1992.

  8. Tano says:

    the food stamp program was not starte until 1977,

    Plus this is a lie – the Food Stamp program started in ’64.
    Remember folks, Zels the Stoner is an entertainer, period.

  9. anjin-san says:

    Well, they know her best…

  10. george says:

    She quit on them – its not surprising that that lowered their opinion on her.

  11. Wiley Stoner says:
    Looks to me she might be pretty popular in the lower 48. Over 25 million people viewed her speech in Madison.

    1. Please provide a source for this because I find it extremely unlikely. Second of all, we’re talking about the same speech where she was practically booed off the stage. Third of all, this wouldn’t/doesn’t translate to people liking her or agreeing with her. I’ve watched her speeches and interviews in the past and I can’t think of a single thing she’s ever uttered that I can agree with.

    2. CNN poll from January has her at 56% disapproval, which has undoubtedly gone down since then as her approval ratings have been on a downhill spiral ever since 2008. So no, she is not popular in the lower 48 either.

  12. Mark says:

    Anyone who knows anything about Palin has an unfavorable opinion. It’s pretty much only those who are ignorant about her that support her. The ones who take everything she says at face value and don’t think beyond that.