Illegal Alien Halloween Costume

aliencostume2I just received a press release claiming that, despite complaints getting them removed from retail store shelves, illegal alien Halloween costumes are becoming an underground sensation.  Indeed, the group claims, “This costume is going to be the most popular costume of 2009 because 78% of Americans oppose any path to citizenship for illegal aliens and resent this attempt to quell free speech and freedom of expression in America.”

Well, I don’t know about that.  Then again, I didn’t even know the costume existed, much less that it has been banned.  (See Amanda Terkel for a rundown as well as a rather histrionic view from the opposition to said costumes.)

Regardless, while the juxtaposition of the two meanings of “alien” is rather clever here, I would imagine that the demand for such a costume is rather limited.  After all, the whole point of dressing up in costumes for Halloween is to have fun.  And, as we all know, it’s no fun being an illegal alien.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Dodd says:

    And, as we all know, it’s no fun being an illegal alien.

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  2. G.A.Phillips says:

    I was going to go as a liberal but while designing my costume it really started to hurt when I tried cutting my brain out…..

  3. Alex knapp says:

    Indeed, the group claims, “This costume is going to be the most popular costume of 2009 because 78% of Americans oppose any path to citizenship for illegal aliens and resent this attempt to quell free speech and freedom of expression in America.”

    Very true. Indeed, it was his focus on the illegal immigrant issue that led to President Tancredo’s astounding victory over Senator Barack Obama last November, crushing the Democratic Party’s hopes of giving Texas back to Mexico.

  4. reid says:

    When I saw the costume, I thought “illegal alien, ha ha” (more of a mild chuckle than a laugher). I didn’t think “go home, illegal aliens, and lay off my free speech!” What a downer. The rabid, perpetually-outraged right take the fun out of everything.

  5. You know what bugs me the most about this costume? The green card. If it’s carrying a green card, then it’s not illegal, is it?