The Supreme Court sided with an anti-gay website designer.
Is a threat in the eye of the receiver or the issuer?
They went all-in on the Big Lie and we now have the receipts that they knew what they were doing.
There’s much more to the story than meets the eye.
The combination of a horrendous rollout and a social media onslaught was disastrous.
Is harassing judges, mayors, Senators, and the like in their private lives just free speech?
Because they’re indoctrinating the youth with their biased agendas and liberal, unfactual diastribes.
Generalities about an elusive and controversial phenomenon are unhelpful.
People, details do in fact matter!
Is a contribution after an election different from one during an election?
It doesn’t matter what I believe. It only matters what I can prove.
Another narrowly-crafted but overwhelming opinion from the Supreme Court.
A truly bizarre controversy at Chapel Hill.
A third of the party’s Members of Congress voted against a popular bill.
National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson advocates for less democracy in America.
He probably lacks the legal authority. And business interests in is state will fight hard against him.
The 6th Circuit is allowing a professor fired for misgendering a transwoman to sue his state university.
What at first blush appears a case of hypocrisy and cancel culture is a violation of professional ethics.
Reflections on the events of 6 January two months later.
What was mere signaling under a Republican Senate and President could now become law.
It is not a tool to foster compromise. It is tool of obstruction, plain and simple.
The man still can’t get out of his own way.
The problem is theoretical at best and cannot stop the Senate from acting.
A large, well-trained police force was unprepared for a foreseeable crisis.
Sorry, UC Irvine, as long as Navarro is on the faculty, no donations from this graduate.
The one-time wunderkind, blogging pioneer, and same-sex marriage champion is now on the outs.
An interesting if frustrating new survey from Cato.