Democrats Seeking White Males

As noted recently, whites are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Some black Democrats think it's time to take affirmative action.

As noted recently,  whites are leaving the Democratic Party in droves.  Some black Democrats think it’s time to take affirmative action.

In an interview, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) said Democrats need to “go all out” to win back white Southern voters before the next election.


Since November, there have been a string of defections by Southern Democratic state lawmakers, which has prompted renewed speculation about the party’s future in the region. Former Alabama Rep. Artur Davis (D) said Democrats should even consider running as Independents if they want to succeed.

Lewis, who was a civil rights activist before being elected to Congress in 1986, said he’s concerned the party is losing its diversity, which will make it difficult to reclaim the lost seats. “We’ve got to go all out and get white voters, especially white men, to come back to the Democratic Party,” he told The Ballot Box. “I just think it’s important for the Democratic Party to roll out and try to reveal itself and not become a party that is split along racial lines.”

But one Democratic strategist said white voters are “up for grabs” and predicted the party will rebound with President Obama at the top of the ticket in 2012.

It seems that the Democrats have become the Bizarro Republicans.

Republicans, the Party of Lincoln, pretty much had a lock on the black vote — such as it was, with Jim Crow — for decades, until Franklin Roosevelt helped change it.  In recent decades, the black vote has been so overwhelmingly Democratic that Republican leader after Republican leader has been vowing to reverse the trend, arguing that Southern blacks, especially, were natural allies of social conservatives in the GOP.

Now, Dems are in the exact same position vis-a-vis whites.  Bitter over Reconstruction, the Democrats established a lock on Southern whites that lasted generations.  Even when they started voting Republican for president, the Democratic primary was essentially the general election for all other races well into the 1980s in most Southern states.   Nowadays, though, less than 40 percent of whites in the once Solid South are willing to vote for a Democrat  (except, possibly, one who speaks with a Southern accent and is running against an especially weak Yankee Republican).

Of course, the reverse of this is that the Republicans are the party of whites — and not much else.  That remains a recipe for winning elections narrowly in the short term but, alas, a death sentence given the demographic trends.   Unless the GOP begins to be more appealing to blacks and, especially, Hispanics in the coming years, they’re going to have to rely more and more on white voters.  And we don’t have to wait until 2042, or whenever it is that whites become a “minority,” either, since it’s unlikely that the 25 percent or so that are hard core liberals are coming over.

FILED UNDER: Race and Politics, US Politics, , , , , , , , ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Jack says:

    Not quite on-topic, and it probably shows how out of touch with animation I’ve become, but where the heck did you get that graphic of Bizarro Superman? It’s pretty cool.

  2. James Joyner says:

    Stumbled on it via Bing image search. A fellow named Stephan Perreault is the artist. I’d not seen this version before — and don’t know whether it’s just something that he’s playing around with or it’s been used in some official DC Universe capacity somewhere.

  3. Actually it looks like Mr. Incredible with a different costume and weird makeup.

    Kind of sad that Democrats can’t identify their root problem as identity politics.

  4. JKB says:

    “I just think it’s important for the Democratic Party to roll out and try to reveal itself and not become a party that is split along racial lines.”

    Uh, I believe that the Democratic Party did roll out and reveal itself, that is the problem not the solution. Now the real question is how long before the blacks and, especially, Hispanics who are productive in the private sector to abandon the Democrat party. Or is racial politics so inbreed that they’ll vote against their own fiscal interests?

    On the other hand, in a few years the Democratic racial politics will overwhelm the Republicans preventing anymore of this tempering of the Democrat race to social utopia. Their party members will redistribute wealth according to grievance lines and then…..


    What is the long term Democratic plan for the continuation of America? Once you redistribute wealth, you’re left with shuffling constituencies. The enviros will protest if they follow the traditional socialist plan of exploiting natural resources without environmental safeguards. Under their ideas of contracts and employment, no business will remain a viable on going concern for long. Remember this is unchecked implementation of Democrat economic ideas. Utopia or Stutopia?

  5. PJ says:

    If republicans continue to push against minorities then more whites than just “hard core liberals” will vote for democrats.

  6. Please define “push against minorities.” Do you mean, enforce the nations laws and borders? Or resist the negative impacts of race-based policies and identity politics? Or just favoring liberty in general over an increasingly overregulated politically correct society?

  7. An Interested Party says:

    “Or is racial politics so inbreed that they’ll vote against their own fiscal interests?”

    Well, that dynamic has certainly been the case foir awhile now…with many poor and middle-class whites voting for the GOP…

  8. An Interested Party says:

    “Please define ‘push against minorities.'”

    “Do you mean, enforce the nations laws and borders?”

    Yes, if that includes demonizing illegals and trying to deny birthright citizenship to people born here…

    “Or resist the negative impacts of race-based policies and identity politics?”

    Yes, if that means denying opportunities to ethnic minorities…

    “Or just favoring liberty in general over an increasingly overregulated politically correct society?”

    Yes, if that means not doing much to help ensure that more people have and can keep health insurance even if that means *gasp* more government involvement…

    It really is no mystery why most African-Americans and Hispanics seem to think that the GOP is hostile to them and their interests…

  9. tom p says:

    HA!!!!!! Chumps….

  10. superdestroyer says:


    You are just confirming what conservatives believe about Hispanic voters. Hispanics want the free government health care, the free government money, and the racial set asides. The last thing that too many Hispanics want to do is contribute to the country so that the rest of us do not have to pay so much in taxes, spend so much on housing, and work so hard to educate our children.

    Pandering to Hispanics means that the Republicans want the U.S. to be a third world country with a few elites and a large number of poor.

  11. Ben Wolf says:

    We have SD, a self-professed conservative, stating that ” those people” (you know who they are) are all lazy invaders trying to steal the wealth of honest, colorblind, god-fearing white dudes like him.

    Gee, why don’t minorities vote for Republicans? I just can’t figure it out.

  12. superdestroyer says:


    I know that progressives love to insult conservatives but why don’t progressives ever ask why the crime rate, illegitimacy, and educational failure rates are so high for Hispanics. Why don’t progressive ever ask why Hispanic believe they are entitled to ethnicity-based government programs that are no more that blatant pandering programs.

    If progressives want open borders and unlimited immigration then they must get rid of very racial or ethnic set aside program. Whites should be afraid of becoming a minority in a country that holds blacks and Hispanics to a different standard than whites.

  13. george says:

    “Why don’t progressive ever ask why Hispanic believe they are entitled to ethnicity-based government programs that are no more that blatant pandering programs. ”

    You don’t think there’s a problem in stating that all Hispanics believe that (ignoring the pandering part for now)?

    That’s probably not what you meant, but that is in fact what you wrote … and that’s the kind of statement that will turn individuals who are part of a group against those who make it. Even adding the small qualifier ‘some’ makes a huge difference, curiously enough.

    Its the difference between say NOW saying ‘Men are rapists’ and ‘Some men are rapists’.

  14. Davebo says:

    “Please define “push against minorities.””

    Just look up a few comments.

    Now the real question is how long before the blacks and, especially, Hispanics who are productive in the private sector to abandon the Democrat party.

    Is it just me or is JKB making a sweeping statement about the unproductivity of blacks in the private sector?

    Why yes, he is.

    And trust me George, that is exactly what superdestroyer meant and believes.

  15. sam says:


    Kind of sad that Democrats can’t identify their root problem as identity politics.

    Really, Charles, sometimes you just amaze me. Nobody plays identity politics better than the Republicans. See James’s post, Alabama Governor Declares Christian Brotherhood. Then there’s superdestroyer’s remark upthread, “Whites should be afraid of becoming a minority in a country that holds blacks and Hispanics to a different standard than whites.” And then there’s She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named’s resentment-based politics that divides the good people from the evil elites.

    All those are species of identity politics.

  16. Davebo says:

    If Sarah Palin were black, her daughter’s out of wedlock, “baby daddy drama” would have been presented as an example of both pathological behavior and a dysfunctional family that is symbolic of the social problems in that community. If Sarah Palin were black, never would the poor decision making by the Palin family be marked off as challenges overcome, or deeds to be valorized.

    If Sarah Palin were black, her neo-secessionist husband would have been the death knell for her political career, because as we all know you can’t trust “those people.”

    If Sarah Palin were black, her lack of intellectual curiosity, willful and cultivated ignorance, and lack of grace both written and spoken, would not be taken as “folksy.” Instead, Palin would be viewed as unqualified for any public office.

    If Sarah Palin were black she would be tarred and feathered as an “affirmative action baby.”

    If Sarah Palin were black Superdestroyer would be seeking therapy immediately.

  17. superdestroyer says:

    If Sarah Palin was black, she would be a Democratic because that is where virtually all idiotic blacks go to pursue a career in politics (See the Congressional Black Caucus). Instead of living in Alaska, “Sarahqua” Palin would probably be living in Atlanta and pursing a career in music or the media (See the Real Wives of Atlanta). Or maybe she would have pursued a career in self-improvement religion (See Creflo Dollar). She would not be married but would have a couple of children by different fathers.

    Of course, the left would totally ignore her no matter what a fraud she would be the MSM is not premitted to ever say anything bad about a black politicians (See Charlie Rangel). If she entered politics, she would be ignored just like the MSM ignored Cynthia McKinney, Marion Barry, Kwame Kilpatrick, Shelia Dixon, or all of the nepotism that was recently exposed in the Congressional Black Caucus.

    Of course, if Sarahqua Palin really existed she would probably have a no work government contract and her children would be in college while being admitted on a racial quota.

  18. superdestroyer says:


    If you can point to a Hispanic politicians who does not support ethnic set asides and quotas then you would have a point about some or most Hispanics. But when even the Hispanic Repulbicans support blatant racial and ethnic pandering, then, yes, all Hispanics appear to support the set asides, quotas, and pandering.

    And in 30 years when whites are a minority in the U.S. all of those quotas and set asides will still be around and the white middle class will no longer exist.

  19. An Interested Party says:

    Oh well, superdestroyer…at least you will be the first person taken to the White People’s Reeducation Camp…maybe they’ll teach you a trade, like how to be the manservant to a Cadillac Queen or something like that…

  20. george says:

    “If you can point to a Hispanic politicians who does not support ethnic set asides and quotas then you would have a point about some or most Hispanics. But when even the Hispanic Repulbicans support blatant racial and ethnic pandering, then, yes, all Hispanics appear to support the set asides, quotas, and pandering. ”

    I know a lot of Hispanics who don’t believe that, and if you most likely do too. Do they not count because they’re not politicians … ie only politicians are real people?

  21. george says:

    “And in 30 years when whites are a minority in the U.S. all of those quotas and set asides will still be around and the white middle class will no longer exist.”

    And this is just paranoia.

  22. superdestroyer says:


    Many of the blacks in theTier I are the children of the previous generation of quota blacks. Yet, their SAT scores are still much lower, they major in pointless subjects, and they still fail to pass their medical boards, Bar exams, and certification exams at a higher rate than whites. There is no sign that race and ethnic based set asides will ever end. No white politician will ever be able to propose the ending of the racial pork programs.

    If you believe that quotas will end one day, then please explain how it will happen. If you listen to what Jeb Bush is saying, the La Raza Republicans want to expand the racial pork program believing it will help those short-sighted, unthinking La Raza Republicans elected.

  23. superdestroyer says:

    Well George, if you know of a Hispanic politician who wants to end the racial pandering and set sides, please give us the name. Unless you can find a Hispanic politicians or leader who is against racial pandering, then you have to admit that the solidarity in the leader of the Hispanic community is uniform in their desire for racial pandering and set asides.

  24. Ben Wolf says:

    The utter lack of self-awareness on the part of our radical right now dominates the Republican party. SD accuses 400 million people of being low-life grifters, and yet can complain about how he feels insulted.

    This is why I’m no longer a Republican. The Democrats are now the default conservative party.

  25. george says:

    “Well George, if you know of a Hispanic politician who wants to end the racial pandering and set sides, please give us the name.”

    I don’t think I can give you the name of any Hispanic politician on either side of that issue – I haven’t made it a point to categorise politicians by background.

    But I do know many Hispanics who disagree with the position you state they have (do you really feel you know what they think despite having talked to them? Is that some kind of Vulcan mind meld?) – which is all it takes for me to conclude that your statement about all Hispanics is simply and unambiguously false. That is simple logic.

  26. george says:

    Err, should be ‘(do you really feel you know what they think despite never having talked to them? Is that some kind of Vulcan mind meld?)’

    Some sort of editing function would be really nice for such typos.

  27. David says:

    OK, I will probably be branded a white male rascist. But, lets see exactly what the democratic party can over me. I am a white professional, not rich but not poor. Let’s see, affirmative action does it help me? Well, no. Actually, it puts me last in line for promotions. Hmmm, how about healthcare? Well, no. I have medical insurance. Covering 32 to 42 million new people will cost $300 to $500 billion more dollars. So, as one of the 140 million workers in the country, I can predict it will cost me an extra $3000 per year. The stimulus package? Well, no, it went mostly to government workers which isn’t me. So, no, I was just stuck with the bill.

    In fact, my conclusion is that the democratic party is like that big party next door in which everybody has a good time except me. But, in the morning, I am given the bill. So, exactly why do I want to vote democratic? I can’t think of a reason.