Trump and the Great Presidents
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and both Roosevelts pushed the envelope, too!
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and both Roosevelts pushed the envelope, too!
He appointed a third of the Justices but has the worst record before them in modern history.
The mainstream media isn’t and shouldn’t become a counterpart to the right-wing infotainment complex.
The President’s support for labor and aggressive action on climate change are in tension.
As memory of the Cold War fades, so does support for American primacy.
A 2020 blowout has long been presumed. But maybe it won’t happen.
Tweaking the message and getting out the vote don’t matter as much as strategists think.
The apparently eminent demise of abortion rights has reignited an old debate.
“Now this campaign is over, what is the will of the people? What is our mandate?”
To defang impeachment is an invitation for presidents to ignore the rule of law.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t very impressed by the proposals made by several liberal politicians lately to increase the size of the Supreme Court to counterbalance the conservative tilt created by the Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmations.
A considerable number of Republican have effectively left our party over Donald Trump. Should we go all the way?
The job laid out by the Framers in Article II of the Constitution has expanded a mite.
The President is once again claiming Executive Privilege to prevent Congress from getting access to certain documents.
Seventy-five years ago today, American soldiers and our allies undertook an invasion that helped change the world.
The cost of Trump’s trade policies are well beyond the cost of soy beans.
In an effort to block the release of the full report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Trump Administration is invoking Executive Privilege.
Pete Buttigieg is getting a lot of attention for a relatively unknown candidate. but it’s unclear if it can last.
Scholars argue that the shifting media landscape is largely to blame for our political crisis.
Kansas Senator Pat Roberts is the second Republican to announce his retirement, but his seat should remain safely red.
One of the last Republican strongholds in California is now completely blue.
Is Donald Trump thinking about dumping Mike Pence in 2020? Probably not, but that’s not going to stop the speculation.
President Trump claims that November will see a “red wave” rather than the “blue wave” that most analysts are expecting. There’s no evidence to support his hypothesis.
Progressive enthusiasm for the notion that our governing framework is dynamic and ought be constantly updated by the judiciary is waning.
61 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of a man who left office a failed president.
John Bolton is leading a cry for preemptive war against North Korea.
Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in a case that could prove crippling to public employee unions across the nation.
“Why the hell would we do that?” — White House official.
Donald Trump is the most unpopular incoming President in more than eighty years.
Even with the revelations of the last three weeks, impeaching the President is still largely a fantasy.