Sarah Palin’s Pledge To Stop Whining Lasts One Day
Just about a day after she told Greta van Susterin that she was through whining about her media coverage, Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to explain why she will continue whining about her media coverage: (link only works for those with Facebook access)
When it comes to responding to the media, the standard warning is: Don’t pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel because calling out the media and holding them accountable is a risky endeavor. Too often the first instinct is to ignore blatant media bias, crudeness, and outright lies, and just hope the media instigator will grow up and provide fairer coverage if you bite your tongue and not challenge the false reporting of an openly hostile press. But I’ve never bought into that. That’s waving the white flag. I just can’t do it because I have too much respect for the importance of a free press as a cornerstone of our democracy, and I have great respect for the men and women in uniform who sacrifice so much to defend that First Amendment right. Media, with freedom comes responsibility.
Friends, too often conservatives or Republicans in general come across as having the fighting instinct of sheep. I don’t. I was raised to believe that you don’t retreat when you’re on solid ground; so even though it often seems like I’m armed with just a few stones and a sling against a media giant, I’ll use those small resources to do what I can to set the record straight. The truth is always worth fighting for. Doing so isn’t whining or “playing the victim card”; it’s defending the truth in fairness to those who seek accurate information. I’ll keep attempting to correct misinformation and falsehoods about myself and my record, and I will certainly never shy from defending others who are unfairly attacked. This is in the name of justice.
Color me not surprised at all.
“armed with a few stones and a sling”…oh yeah…and a tv studio in her living room and a satelite uplink in her backyard, all provided to her by the RNC propaganda network.
give me a break.
Why did you bother writing this? You talk about her a lot – it only gives her more legitimacy.
Here’s my question: Who cares?
And OTB’s pledge to stop covering Sarah Palin never comes.
Would you guys just stop covering her? We don’t care about Sarah Palin, but why do you care so much? There is no topic that you cover with near the regularity of your coverage of Palin.
Methinks you guys are too focused on Sarah Palin and her vagina. Andrew Sullivan thinks her uterus was mis-used and Bill Maher thinks it is a “twat”. Try looking up your own arses for a different view and quit whining. Misogynists!
You’re the one who brought up Palin’s vagina here, John425. It seems you’re the one focused on that, unsurprisingly.
When Sarah Palin stops being considered a major force in the GOP she will no longer be newsworthy.
Doug: “When Sarah Palin stops being considered a major force in the GOP she will no longer be newsworthy.”
Then cover the newsworthy stuff and ignore the airhead fluff.
“Then cover the newsworthy stuff and ignore the airhead fluff.”
He can’t stop whining. LOL.
has Sarah started producing…..she needs to get busy producing and things like that. As i hear it those things wont produce themselves. and important Americian issues such as forign and domistic and such as. and things of that nature. and a ruggard self reliant common sence conservative prouduction of Real American values and things the Lame-stream media wont tell you. and pal-in round with ter-or-ists…… betcha (wink)
i love Sarah, she true-ly is the Willian S. Burroughs of the new century.
“i love Sarah, she true-ly is the Willian S. Burroughs of the new century.”
Puleeeze. (Although I do have to admit that some of her stuff does read like Naked Lunch in the Trailer Park.)
> Then cover the newsworthy stuff and ignore the airhead fluff.
Well, that’s kind of the point. If you ignore the airhead fluff, Sarah Palin just vanishes. But this is 21st century America, so girls like Sarah, Snookie, and Khloe can be reality TV stars and a lot of people will take them seriously. Including the current iteration of the GOP.
“Why did you bother writing this? You talk about her a lot – it only gives her more legitimacy. Here’s my question: Who cares?”
“And OTB’s pledge to stop covering Sarah Palin never comes. Would you guys just stop covering her? We don’t care about Sarah Palin, but why do you care so much? There is no topic that you cover with near the regularity of your coverage of Palin.”
Hey Guys, He obviously cannot help himself. I used to think the guy was obsessed with Gov Palin to get blog hits, but now it think he and other left wing zealots are obsessed because they finally realized Obama is such a huge failure. They need somebody else to get their mind off their overmatched boy in the White House, and what else provides fodder than trashing conservative women. Even the far, far fringe blogs don’t talk about Palin as much as these guys. I think she has gotten into these OTB bloggers heads.
Oh baby that’s some expert trollin smooth move,