Al Gore on Saturday Night Live

Former Vice President Al Gore opened “Saturday Night Live” last night giving an address to the nation as the 43rd President of the United States. The skit was fairly amusing, both self-deprecating with many references to his famous “lockbox” and making fun of the Bush administration without getting nasty, although some parts were rather weak.

YouTube has the video for now:

It’ll be taken down soon enough but NBC will eventually put it up here.

A Crooks and Liars commenter has already posted a rough transcript. Some excerpts:

[W]e are facing perhaps the worst gas crisis in history. We have way too much gasoline. Gas is down to $0.19 a gallon and the oil companies are hurting. I know that I am partly to blame by insisting that cars run on trash. I am therefore proposing a federal bailout to our oil companies because – hey if it were the other way around, you know the oil companies would help us.


As I speak, the gigantic national budget surplus is down to a perilously low $11 trillion dollars. And don’t get any ideas. That money is staying in the very successful lockbox. We’re not touching it.


But right now we’re already so loved by everyone in the world that American tourists can’t even go over to Europe anymore… without getting hugged.


What if there’s a hurricane or a tornado? Unlikely I know because of the Anti-Hurricane and Tornado Machine I was instrumental in helping to develop.


As for immigration, solving that came at a heavy cost, and I personally regret the loss of California. However, the new Mexifornian economy is strong and el Presidente Schwarznegger is doing a great job.


There have been some setbacks. Unfortunately, the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justice Michael Moore was bitter and devisive. However, I could not be more proud of how the House and Senate pulled together to confirm the nomination of Chief Justice George Clooney.


Baseball, our national passtime, still lies under the shadow of steroid accusations. But I have faith in baseball commissioner George W. Bush when he says, “We will find the steroid users if we have to tap every phone in America!”

Not cutting edge humor, to be sure, but at least reasonably amusing. Unlike, say, the Stephen Colbert sketch at the White House Correspondent’s dinner.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Tano says:

    yeah, you got that just about right. Mildly, pleasantly amusing, tinged with regret for what might have been. Colbert, on the other hand, was brilliant and incisive.

  2. Ugh says:

    Colbert wasn’t funny because his act was (a) true, and, as a consequence, (b) tragic.

  3. flypay says:

    Just a nit-pick, but surely Al Gore knew that the HOUSE had no need to pull together with the Senate to approve Chief Justice Clooney! 🙂

  4. Roger says:

    More Gore please. Hold the Bush.