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Ann Coulter has written an article on her website castigating John Roberts:
Whoa! Wait a minute here. What planet have you been on Ann? Are you adding something positive to the debate here or just tossing Molitof Cocktails for effect? Or worse: is your idea of an acceptable nominee someone who will when confronted with a liberal screed from an ACLU attorney below the bench jump up from his or her chair, rip off their robe and put on sackcloth and ashes? I guess you give us the answer here:
So, Ann, what we want is a right-wing lunatic? Would David Duke be acceptable? Lyndon LaRouche? Are you seeking a Supreme Court bomb thrower when you say:
Please define what you mean by your statements, because they come across fantastical and serve only to support the theory held by many liberals that conservative thinking is intolerant and predjudiced.We would be more well-served with cogent analysis rather than bombastic diatribe.Another problem with Coulter’s analysis is her comparison with Souter. Roberts is a Rehnquist man and is as unknown as Rehnquist was when he was nominated in 1981. Most of us think he turned out pretty good. That’s a good sign in my opinion.