Most of the area around DC is stalled by a few inches of snow, but it was warmer in the District and the government was open for business. Friday rush hour is a long one, anyway, and I suspect this one will be worse.
Taking the Metro:
- Stephen Green has a letter from a captain in Iraq.
- Entries for Dodd Harris’ weekly caption are due today.
- Craig Henry isn’t a big fan of Michael Savage pretending he’s John Wayne. (Of course, John Wayne wasn’t “John Wayne,” either.)
- Terry Oglesby writes on Southerners aping Yankees aping Brits and Frogs but not Left Coasters.
- Bill Hobbs has won a very special award.
- Kate is link whoring and snark hunting.
- Steven Taylor updates the Toast-o-Meter, including some new features.
- Kevin Aylward got a big lump of coal in his Christmas stocking.
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