Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

Winners will be announced Thursday
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Thursday
“The WORST job I ever had–cleaning up after Charlie Sheen ‘has a few friends over’.”
Government clean up crews train for CFL light bulb disposal.
In a familiar ritual members of Congress cue to enter the Capitol with their campaign promises.
US media responds to urgent reports of coverup.
White House rolls out new economic agenda
Mardi Gras kicks off in Pyongyang.
The Chicago “combine” cleans up after getting Rahm Emmanuel back on the ballot
God views world events, scraps 2012 rebuild plan, sends in cleanup crew.
The new Willy Wonka sequel, Charlie and the Toxic Waste Dump, was a flop, but the Oompa Loompa scenes turned out enjoyable.
Unionized White House Tour Guides display their new EPA issued uniforms to protect them Government waste.
On the scene photo of Mubarak caught in act throwing away civil liberties by Imreallythere reaches Top Tweet status.
Photo of actual Egyptians disposing of EVLopressr by APreporter reaches Top Tweet status.
Journalistic Standards changes relationship with Twitter to It’s Complicated.
Star magazine sues for copyright infrigement after exclusive photos of Charlie Sheen party clean-up are found on Twitter.
Trash day at your nearest abortion clinic.
Jerry Brown rolls out the California Budget.
The hope and change are taken away for disposal by the hazmat squad. Who knew they would be so toxic?
Dateline 2014: An official EPA press release: “Our efforts at curtailing consumption through the regulation of carbon dioxide reduced economic activity, and thereby pollution and trash, by a third. We believe that the latest classification of all household garbage as toxic waste will further depress the superfluous economic output of our consumer based society by at least half, thus saving the Earth — for the children. Of course, waivers will be granted by the President’s new National Green Security Council for those whom the President deems critical to our National Green Security needs.”
Things white people don’t like.
Alright damnit, who mixed up the garbage can lids?
Hopefully, that’s the last time some group of freshman say the debt ceiling will be raised over their dead bodies.
Oh dear, whatever did Sarah Palin say now?
Eventually the harsh economic climate even hit Blue Man Group.
The new career program at Walmart finally includes health care options
Initially, Axlerod completely failed to grasp the concept of “Take out the trash Friday”
Why American News Networks Stink?
■Quote of the Day – Presidential Edition?
Oklahoma GOP Pushing Bill That Would Require Teaching “Creation Science”?
Evolution In Action?
Egypt Closes Al Jareeza Bureau?
Caption Contest Winners? lol…..
Americans Wealthier Than You Think?
SNL Spoofs Michelle Bachmann’s SOTU Response?
Rodney’s attempt to instigate pre-SuperBowl trash talk!
Repealing ObamaCare was more difficult than anticipated.
Obama’s initiatives filled the dustbins of history faster than anticipated.
Bobby was really depressed, not only did he flunk out of the Exodus International “Pray the Gay Away” class, they made him clean up after the graduating orgy.
Second prize in the Greener Future “Win The Future” video contest is announced: lifetime supply of factory-refurbisbed Depends™.
We are DEVO!
MSNBC cleaning out Oberman’s office.
I thought this was an audition for Star Wars!
The Fox news-dump…..yeah, it’s that toxic….
Glenn Beck produces further evidence of the Sorors plot for a one-world government…
President Obama rolls out his latest stimulus – oops I mean “investment” package.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences rolls out it’s list of 2011 “Oscar” nominees.
WTF? White House editors seen cleaning up the deletions in the SOTU.
Boehner leads work party after Nancy moves out of Speaker’s office.
Newspaper delivery workers distribute the next issue of the New York Times.
The cleanup from Al Gore’s “happy ending” continues apace.
1) “Bring out your dead…Bring out your dead — Wait! No, never mind — Bring out your dead…”
2) “Finally, Colonel Sander’s secret recipe revealed.”
3) “Simply some of the necessary precautions taken when making up a batch of extra spicy ‘Buffalo Wings.”
The court requests a copy of the Health Care Bill
McDonald’s pulls kimchee and lutefisk from menu trials after negative customer response.
KuKluxKlan rolls out softer, more customer-friendly uniforms.
MSNBC cleans out Olbermann’s office.
Poll Workers practice bringing out “missing” ballots that push Rham Emanuel over the top in the Chicago Mayorial election primary
4) “A hazardous waste cleanup crew waiting for an accident to happen.”
5) “BP cleanup crew still looking for a place to dump all that toxic waste from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. You remember, right? Worst manmade ecological disaster ever? Ring any bells? Anyone?”
6) “White House speech writers busy preparing Obama’s next national address on the crisis in Egypt.”
How history will remember Biden.
7) “Finally, Bush’s seeds of Democracy begin to sprout in the Middle East – Quick, someone take it out behind the chemical shed and shoot it!”
8) “White House speechwriters busy preparing Obama’s next national address on the crisis in Egypt.”
Heading for the secret burial spot with the latest batch of Obama’s former enemies.
If you new Republican representative doesn’t answer his phone…..