Caption Contest
Time for Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Monday PM
This will be the last OTB Caption Contest started until mid-July
Time for Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners will be announced Monday PM
This will be the last OTB Caption Contest started until mid-July
“You’ll be back.”
Schwarzenegger: “So, what happens in #10 Downing Street… stays in #10 Downing Street, eh?”
Blair: “Oh yeah”
Eet’s not a Tudor.
“Hasta la vista, Blairby!”
“Pool mah finguh.”
Arnold, check in hand, celebrates his victory over Tony, in the “who has the cuter accent ” contest.
Tony, youarr my faavrott girlyman!
Blair called Arnold out on his lime green tie selection, but was properly put in his place when the California governor pointed out what the former Prime Minister was wearing.
Poodleman, yah.
Arnold, “What the HELL are you?!” (Predator movie)
Ah, you may be a goner at Downing St, but “… you’re still ALIVE aren’t you?”
Blair, “I’ll be back!”
Arnold, “Only in a rerun.”
Arnold: “I told you not to go, but you went anyway’s.”
Blair: “What are you… my FATHER?”
Blair says, “Who are you man?”
Arnold, “I’m the party pooper.”
“Hasta la vista, BABY.”
Arnold to Blair: “You’ve just been ERASED.”
Twins 2: Across the Pond
“‘Cause I’ve got a golden ticket
I’ve got a golden chance to make my way
And with a golden ticket, it’s a golden day!”
Pull my fingah!
“Oh Ricky!”
“Oh Lucy!”
Since we bought the London Bridge, I vill sell you the Golden Gate Bridge cheap.
Arnold: You’re Terminated!
Blair: You got me there man….
I’m melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world.
Tony, you get me your old job, and I vill giff you mine, but you must remove dat seal on da door!
Arnold: “Did you have a hot dog for lunch? You have mustard on your jacket”
Tony: “Har, Har (snort), I ain’t falling for that old gimmick”
Tony: “Sign says ‘condemmed‘ what the #%@!…?
Arnold: “Gotcha!, you’ve just been punked”
Arnold and Tony re-enact their favorite Pillsbury Doughboy commercial.
“You’re a funny man Tony. I like you. That’s why I’m going to kill you last.”
“It takes a man confident in his masculinity to wear a lime green silk tie, but not even I would wear that pink one.”
“Do you know where a guy can get a rub and a tug in this town?”
“No, really? You actually eat haggis?”
“Are you ‘avin’ a laugh? Is ‘e ‘avin’ a laugh?”
“And now for something completely different…”
His hair was perfect.
AS: “I may be The Governator, but you, you are the PRIME MINISTERIATOR!”
TB: “Yes, well, heh heh heh, one readily sees the obstacles you’ve overcome to get where you are now, eh?”
What is with zis country? They call efferybody “Guv’na?”
“Aaaah, I love YOU more!”
“No, I love YOU more!”
“Nooooo, I love YOU more……” etc.
“I tol-choo, I vill pay for za damage zat me unt za girls unt za trapeze did in your guest housa, now hee-a, take za fruecking check!!!”
“You wily old arian, don’t even think about invading us again!”
“Oh you! You bloody nazi you!”
“Who’s the nazi!?! Who’s the nazi!?! Whooooooo’s the NAZ-ZI !?!”
“Okay,stand up,stand UUUP…Good, very good!
Now, speak, speeeeeak….Very good!
Alright now, invade Poland…”
“So, what’s California like when you go against 90% of the people ?”
“Zat vas brilliant, zurrounding za country vis za vassa and deez kinds of sings, but let me azg you sumpzing, where do you get za good help ?”
Tony – “Why don’t we both convince the American people that they need a foreigner to run their affairs? American born fellows seem to have a very hard time.”
“Oh, Pancho…”
“Oh, Cisco…”
The Governator – “Is it true that Elvis also stays at #10? Is he in the building?”
“You’re a girly man, but I’m a Hurley man.”