“Ok, seal off the area. We have achieved our goal. Posters. Big promotion. Acting like it really matters. Time now to renege on our financial commitment and champion a new cause.”
“Mr. President, we think it was the act of disgruntled Democrats again. The RESPECT one lip syncs to the Aretha Franklin song. The CARING one is your remarks from the swinging baby’s mouth in a rap song with your voice. ‘Ay yo trip boo, da bling bling measure of true compassion is da boo-yaa results. Don’t you know, bama, me a generous and caring cave boy. I axe you, chickenhead, is our children learning? Yo, we be geese. Chill!'”
“Quick, help me cover up my compassionate conservative campaign themes for 2004 before the media sees them!”
Trying to relive his youth, President Bush “walks like an Egyptian.”
Look out, here comes the Congressional Black Caucas. You are about to officially declared “not black enough” by the CBC…
“Mr. President, take dancing lessons. Nobody does The Fly anymore.”
Quick hide. Here comes my white southern base.
Quick!! hand me the 2 iron. Oops! you’re not my caddie !?!
President Bush demonstrates his Texas two-step style that has most recently come in handy keeping him ahead of a missing WMD debacle.
Let me show you how to do the “robot”. If Tony Blair can do it, you can too!
Emboldened by the apparent success of his
“Bring ‘Em On” statement, President Bush
attempts to “throw down” with Helen Thomas, yelling.
“Draw MoFo”
“you put your left foot in, you pull your left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about..”
“Ok, seal off the area. We have achieved our goal. Posters. Big promotion. Acting like it really matters. Time now to renege on our financial commitment and champion a new cause.”
“Hey man, put your arms down, there’s people tryin’ to breathe around here.
Darryl Strawberry, once again having escaped from rehab, is foiled from making his getaway by an alert President Bush.
I just can’t ignore the obvious:
It’s fun to stay at the
C’mon all together now!
“Mr. President, we think it was the act of disgruntled Democrats again. The RESPECT one lip syncs to the Aretha Franklin song. The CARING one is your remarks from the swinging baby’s mouth in a rap song with your voice. ‘Ay yo trip boo, da bling bling measure of true compassion is da boo-yaa results. Don’t you know, bama, me a generous and caring cave boy. I axe you, chickenhead, is our children learning? Yo, we be geese. Chill!'”
Kudos to Timmer for Y *M *C *A.
See! It’s so much easier without a Segway!
“Yep, I was a crossing guard as a kid. See?”
Another example of Bush’s efforts to hold back minorities from getting ahead in the USA.