Caption Contest
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Easter has come and gone, but this picture is too good to pass up.

(AFP/Tim Sloan)
Winners will be announced Monday PM
Time for the Thursday OTB Caption ContestTM
Easter has come and gone, but this picture is too good to pass up.
Winners will be announced Monday PM
When you’re President you don’t have to do that little two finger thing in your pictures.
“He Ain’t No Hugh Hefner , But He’s All I Got.”
President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush attempt to heal the country’s bitter division over the Iraq war on a three-day state visit to Moonbat land.
“Let’s Roll!!!”
* I’m LATE!! I’m LATE!! I’m terribly LATE!!
* Through the miracle of modern technology, we see what the press has been seeing, and why they’ve been acting so paranoid all this time. Those acid flashbacks are a BITCH.
* Eat me!
* Drink me!
* Smoke me!
Announcing even more staff shake-ups, the President and First Lady are joined on the balcony by the new press secretary and head of the treasury. Appointing giant rabbits to such high office was applauded as the President continues to diversify his cabinet and staff.
“I’m Having A Bad Hare Day.”
“We’ll Having A Meeting With The Rabbit Transit Authority.”
I’m shocked that no one’s done this yet:
“Ummm… so, do you want to tell us about the rabbits, George?”
“We were going to invite the teletubbies to the White House Egg Roll too, but well, they’re gay.”
After watching Donnie Darko, President Bush was still visibly shaken.
Jesus loves the
whitelittle children….“Yes, you are all invited to dinner, we will be serving up Fluffy and Muffy here in about an hour.”
The new plain-clothes directives issued for Secret Service bodyguards aren’t working out quite as expected.
The redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming.
Okay, I admit it. Bush is smirking in this picture. But you got to admit that if you were standing between two giant rabbits and a guy dressed as Sgt. Pepper that you might have a hard time keeping a straight face also.
“Do These Rabbit Ears Make My Head Look Fat?”
“We’re Be Hosting A Fluffy Convention At The Ranch In May.”
“George Gave Me A Fourteen Carrot Diamond For Easter.”
What a gay day indeed!
On learning that former President Jimmy Carter was on his way over, the Secret Service called up the Rabbit Deployment Force.
* Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat! Hmmm. Guess I don’t know my own strength!
* OK, which one is Jessica?
* ..then Lancelot, Robin and I will jump out of the Rabbit…
* OOoh… look! Raisins!!!
* oooooo….I hates rabbits!
* RNC press release…In the news today, President Bush seeking to add some long-term energy to his cabinet…..
* AIR America Headline (Otherwise known as DNC press release) : Bush appointed a couple hare brains to his cabinet….
* “Rodents of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.”
* The replacements for the Gerbils didn’t work out all that well.
Drudge: Laura Bush a Playboy Bunny….developing.
President Bush suddenly realizes he shouldn’t have eaten four dozen Peeps®.
* “I love the smell of fried rabbit in the morning.”
* “We would like to introduce you to the source of Joe Wilson’s latest claims…”
27 years ago today (Apl 20th) President Carter was attacked by the vicious rabbit of Cair Bannog.
President Bush marked the occasion by posing with the rabbit and his wife at the White House.
“I know my husband has been involved in many hare-brained schemes, but they were not all his idea.”
In their conitnuing effort to get President Bush impeached, the DNC released this photo as proof that he sees two six foot pukas he named Harry and Nancy.
Bush announces high Gross National Reproduction.
1) Bush: Wow, Glenn Reynolds didn’t eat the bunny.
2) Bush: I wonder if K Mart has a kinky bunny suit for Laura in the lingerie section.
I tell ya, whoever leaked Laura Bush’s name as a covert Easter Bunny will be asked to resign from my Administration.
Agents Smith and Jones hated “Bunny Detail”
Laura – “And the Telletubbies aren’t up here with me today because Tinky Winky could not find a matching purse.”
I want to give a shout out to one of my homies ….. Jenna Jameson, Hey Girl! A Thank You to our event sponsor Larry Flynt. And of course a very special note to Tom Cruise for not bringing you know what. I’ll conclude our first annual Lysergic Bunny Hop with some beats:
I said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop a you don’t stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat
Now what you hear is not a test – I’m rappin to the beat
and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet
See: I am Wonder Laura and I like to say hello
to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow
but first I gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie
say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie
Let’s rock, you don’t stop
rock the riddle that will make your body rock
Well so far, you’ve heard my voice but I brought two friends along
and next on the mike is my man Dub:
come on, Dub, sing that song
“Those tikes wouldn’t dare look for an egg under THIS Bush.”
The surprise attack on the President and First Lady by the Killer Rabbits of Caerbannog was foiled by an alert Secret Service Agent who quickly dispatched them with Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch after counting to three… not four, nor two, but three (five being right out).
“I hate to pun,” Mrs. Bush said pointing to the bunny, “but Hare Today,” and then with a nod to her husband, “Goon Tomorrow.”
So begins the hunt for Eggs of Grass Deception…