Press Coverage of the Colorado Wildfires

The biggest news doesn’t always get the most attention.

News, Analysis, and Opinion

The continuing calls to abandon objectivity in reporting in favor of a particular agenda.

January 6 vs BLM Riots

Shockingly, they’re not remotely equivalent.

Chris Wallace Leaving Fox News

He is heading to CNN+

Peak Fact-Checking?

Not every argument can be tested on a Pinocchio scale.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on ending the war in Afghanistan, Tuesday, August 31, 2021, in front of the Cross Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks on ending the war in Afghanistan, Tuesday, August 31, 2021, in front of the Cross Hall of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Can Joe Biden Save Christmas?

There will be two chickens in every pot this holiday season. Maybe three.

Defense Bill Stalled Over Amendments

Every now and again, it’s not Mitch McConnell’s fault.

Gun Control is Jim Crow protester Gun Control is Jim Crow protester

Tribal Lenses and Criminal Justice

Our reactions to recent murder trials tells us a lot about our divided country.

green surgical masks on green background green surgical masks on green background

Masking! In Homes!

The horrors never cease.

Patriots Leave Fox After Patriot Purge

Two NeverTrump Republicans have had enough.

Sexist to Focus on Sinema’s Style?

Why oh why won’t people stop commenting on the lady Senator’s outfits?

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

The Middle Ain’t Woke

The average American is neither progressive nor all that interested in politics.

The free high-resolution photo of technology, symbol, brand, product, font, 3d, angle, question, problem, graphics, support, issue, puzzles, question mark, problem solution, product design, automotive design , taken with an unknown camera 04/06 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. The free high-resolution photo of technology, symbol, brand, product, font, 3d, angle, question, problem, graphics, support, issue, puzzles, question mark, problem solution, product design, automotive design , taken with an unknown camera 04/06 2017 The picture taken with The image is released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.

Questions That Answer Themselves

When the headline tells the story.

The Narrative of the ‘MSM Narrative’

Journalism is terrible except when compared to the alternatives.

Everyone’s a Virologist Now

Is media coverage of experts’ struggles to understand COVID helpful?

Nationalizing the Local

The appetite for content and clicks turns sensationalizes news that isn’t news.

Red Dog Saloon in Jarbidge. At least we know the Internet is available in Jarbidge. The saloon was closed. The Outdoor Inn was open, but will close down on Halloween. The next day the Red Dog Saloon will be opened for the winter season. Apparently there's not enough staff to run both businesses simultaneously. The owner of these establishments is the cook at the Outdoor Inn and he has lived in Jarbidge his entire life. Red Dog Saloon in Jarbidge. At least we know the Internet is available in Jarbidge. The saloon was closed. The Outdoor Inn was open, but will close down on Halloween. The next day the Red Dog Saloon will be opened for the winter season. Apparently there's not enough staff to run both businesses simultaneously. The owner of these establishments is the cook at the Outdoor Inn and he has lived in Jarbidge his entire life.

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Isn’t Going Away

A sign of our times.

Irrelevant Republicans Being Ignored!

The liberal media is giving all their attention to the tax and spend Democrats!

ESPN, Jock Culture, and Jon Gruden

Is the Worldwide Leader responsible oblivious to bigotry?

Punching Down

Sometimes, a headline contains all the information you need.

newspaper newspaper

The Bizarre Economics of Media

Not everyone is losing money.

COVID Schadenfreude Journalism

A new story archetype is all too common.

Ivermectin and Irresponsible Infotainment

Sound decisions require sound reporting.

Joseph Galloway, 1941-2021

A legendary journalist is gone.

Is Ben Shapiro NPR in Reverse?

Oh, FFS.

Nicholas Kristof Is Exploring a Run for Oregon Governor

The two-time Pulitzer winner is considering a career change.

Howard Hires Nikole Hannah-Jones and Ta-Nehisi Coates

UNC’s loss is the nation’s most prestigious HBCU’s gain.

newspaper newspaper

Headline Juxtapositions

When the teaser is better than the news.

People Are Crazy (Fact Check Edition)


The Economics of Long Tail News

There’s got to be a better way.

How Critical Race Theory Suddenly Hit the Mainstream

A pandemic and the rise of Zoom meetings unleashed an academic theory into the wild.

COVID Bullying at West Point?

Vaccination is voluntary but refusal is not without consequence.

Biden’s Justice Department and the Press

Vague reporting makes it hard to know whether the latest scandal is scandalous.

Nikole Hannah-Jones Suing for Tenure at Place She Doesn’t Work

A truly bizarre controversy at Chapel Hill.

Wuhan Lab Leak Moves from Hoax to Theory

The fact-checkers blew this one and blew it big.

The BBC-Bashir-Diana Scandal


Damon Weaver Dead at 23

The budding journalist interviewed President Obama as an 11-year-old.

Growing Up Too Slowly?

If the younger generation seems to be maturing later, there are good reasons.

Biden Taking Fewer Refugees Than Trump!!!

Stenography is not journalism.

Woke Street Journal?

An internal review is calling for America’s business paper to diversify its appeal.

Major League False Equivalence

There’s no voting in baseball.

New York Times Style Change?

A subtle but odd change in house style for the Paper of Record

Problem Doesn’t Exist if You Ignore It

Apparently, all those states legislating on transgender kids playing sports are doing it for no reason.

President Biden’s First Press Conference

The media became the story but the President was the news.

David Bowie Predicts the Internet

An interesting blast from the past.

Biden’s Lack of Press Conferences

On the one hand, true. On the other, so what?

Rush Limbaugh is Still Dead

The reflections on the departed right-wing talk host continue.

Reporting and Commentary Should Remain Separate

There’s more than enough opinion journalism.

Rush Limbaugh, 1951-2021

The talk radio megastar has died, aged 70.

Culture Clash at the New York Times

America’s Newspaper of Record needs to figure out what it wants to be.