Tuesday’s Forum

NH Sample Ballots

Post-Iowa Reset Not What You’d Expect

Biden’s support is in decline. But it’s not clear that Buttigieg is getting an Iowa bounce.

Flu is Killing Way More People than Coronavirus

What’s new isn’t necessarily what’s most important.

Why Debating Defense Spending is So Hard

Nobody even agrees on what baselines to use.

Iowa Finally Releases Maybe-Final Results

The precise distribution of 41 measly delegates is now known. Unless there’s a recount.

A New Forum for a New Week

Happy Monday.

My Buttigieg Theory

How is the mayor of a modest-sized Midwestern city doing as well as he has?

Ratfucking the Democratic Primaries?

There’s a campaign to encourage anti-Trump Republicans and independents to vote in New Hampshire.

Trump Cutting NSC Back for Wrong Reasons

A smaller staff is arguably a good idea. But not this way.

Front-Loaded Primary Schedule

The primary season has just started. It is almost over.

Has the Democratic Race Changed?

Is there a new frontrunner?

Sanders Benefitting from Low Expectations

The Vermont Senator is a better politician than most give him credit for.

Rudy is in Conspiracy Nut Land

America’s mayor talks like a snake oil salesman/conman.

lego people crowd lego people crowd

Analysis vs Advocacy

A recurring source of friction in the OTB conversation.

What Does “Winning” Iowa Mean?

The obsession over a singular winner ultimately makes no sense.

Cancer Causes Genetic Changes Years Before Symptoms

A promising new study.

Iowa is the New Florida*

The caucus tallies are so riddled with errors that the DNC is calling for a recount.

Colbert on Romney and Oaths

A touching tribute to doing the right thing.

Iowa Shifting the Narrative?

The media coverage continues on script.

Post-Trial Forum

On to the next big story.

Senate Acquits Trump On Party Lines (Minus Mitt Romney)

Donald Trump is the third President to be impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate.

Rush Limbaugh’s Presidential Medal of Freedom

Another controversy amid a reality show State of the Union address.

SOTU Ends Pretense of Normalcy

The State of the Union is petulant.

The Iowa Caucuses Debacle

It’s more embarrassing than we thought.

Post-SOTU Forum

Discuss at will.

Iowa Makes us Wait

We do not have results yet.

Rush Limbaugh Has Advanced Lung Cancer

Sad news from the conservative talk icon.

Post-Iowa Forum

Hot takes all day long.

A Year in Which Nothing Happened

We’re right back where we started.

Did Taxpayers Spend $3.4 Million for Trump Super Bowl Party?

The real scandal isn’t the price tag but the beneficiary.

John Kerry Almost Certainly Not Running for President

He’s tanned, rested, and ready. But it ain’t happening.

Impeachment Poll

Not surprisingly, we remain as polarized as ever.

It’s Caucus Time

How Iowa works.

West Virginia to Allow Smartphone Voting

Cyber security experts are quite alarmed.

DNC Making Up Rules as it Goes

Proposed mid-stream changes could help Bloomberg, hurt Sanders, and divide the party.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

A podcast about podcasting

Photos for January

Something non-political.

Is Presidential Impeachment Constitutional Dead Letter?

(At least the removal part)

Trump’s Acquittal and American Democracy

Has this precedent permanently damaged the country? Or is it just politics as usual?

Senate Republicans Think Trump Guilty, Shouldn’t Be Removed

A binary choice will produce a worse outcome than necessary.

Mike Bloomberg’s $11 Million Super Bowl Ad in Perspective

It’s literally the equivalent of buying a large pizza for the average American household.

Guy Named John Delaney Ends Campaign Nobody Knew About

This. Changes. Everything.

We Don’t Need Witnesses

What difference at this point does it make?

Lamar Alexander on Witnesses

Not unexpected, but hardly a profile in courage.