Friday’s Forum

Chat up the last day of the work week.

Paperwork and the Poor

Our measures for preventing abuse of our social welfare system are preventing those who need it most go without.

Thursday’s Forum

It’s Friday Eve.

Portion of the Wall Falls

New section of wall goes all Jericho in Mexicali

Two More Dershowitz Gems

More nonsense.

Feinstein and Three Democratic Moderates Leaning Toward Acquittal?

Surprising news from an unsurprising process.

Mid-Week Forum

Hump day, dontcha know.

The Hidden Left-Liberal Divide

One side is arguing over rules while the other is focused on consequences.

What does “Sole” Mean?

The House decides what is impeachable.

Tuesday’s Forum

McConnell and the Bolton Manuscript

The Majority Leader was reportedly unaware of the manuscript.

Monday’s Forum

The new work week is here, as is the first open forum.

Bolton Revelations?

Huh. Someone might want to look into this.

Kobe Bryant Killed in Helicopter Crash

The basketball legend and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were among five fatalities.

newspaper newspaper

Newspaper Endorsements At Odds with Polls

The leading papers in Iowa and New Hampshire are backing Klobuchar and Warren, respectively.

Our Constitutional Crisis

To defang impeachment is an invitation for presidents to ignore the rule of law.

The Space Force Logo

Boldy going where Starfleet has gone before.

Pompeo on Iran and Ukraine

The chief diplomat of the United States isn’t very diplomatic (nor informative).

Joe Rogan, Bernie Sanders, and the Intellectual Dark Web

Politics makes strange bedfellows.

Why Democrats Have to Play By Different Rules

The Republicans are playing a different game.

What if November’s Loser Refuses to Concede?

There’s a very real possibility the legitimacy of the 2020 election will be contested.

No, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin Our Democracy

Money has increasingly dominated American politics but the court case had little to do with it.

Jim Lehrer, 1934-2020

A legendary newsman has passed.

Friday Forum

An end of workweek chat locale.

Thursday’s Forum

Open thread.

Term Limits and Political Science

The literature on term limits is not a favorable one.

Wednesday’s Forum

Hump Day discussion time.

Airpods Airpods

Podcast Recommendation

For anyone interested in polling and/pr the Iowa Caucuses

Tuesday’s Open Forum

Chit-chat time.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Are We Ruining American Politics?

A political scientist argues that college-educated intellectuals are doing politics wrong.

WaPo Democratic Candidate Quiz

Feel free to discuss the quiz and/or share your results in the comments.

The NYT’s Dual Endorsement

The paper of record endorsed both Warren and Klobuchar

Explaining the Sanders-Warren Flap

Two progressives enter. One progressive leaves.

Disney Drops ‘Fox’ Name

More fallout from the consolidation of media brands.

Monday’s Open Forum

Space for an MLK Day chinwag.

Private Talk and Character

Dennis Prager makes me feel like we are living in the Upside Down.

Polarization and the Media

Rules for covering the Senate trial highlight changes in how we get the news.

Extolling Trolling

A real world illustration.

Trump May Be Even Less Popular than it Seems

The 45th President polls worse than other prominent Republicans.

One More About Discussions

A bit more about the mechanics of the comments section.

11 US Troops Injured in Attack Where No US Troops Were Injured

Claims by the President and Defense Department about the Iranian response to the Soleimani raid were untrue.

A Photo for Friday: “Tandem”

Welcome to the weekend.

Friday’s Forum

A place for some end of the week jibber-jabber.

Trump Impeachment Trial Underway

And now the real farce begins.

Virginia Putting ERA over the Top?

The Commonwealth is about to become the 38th State to ratify the Nixon-era Amendment.