Joe Biden Maintains A Huge Lead In South Carolina

Joe Biden continues to have a strong lead in the Palmetto State, thanks largely to strong support from African-American voters.

This Reactionary Moment

Continuing the conversation from James Joyner’s post.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Conservatives, Reactionaries, and Backlash

Is the left unwittingly fueling a reactionary moment?

Jeffrey Epstein’s Death Officially Ruled Suicide

Confirming the original diagnosis, Jeffrey Epstein’s death last weekend has been ruled a suicide.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

A Photo for Friday: “Gateway”

After a two week hiatus, the PFF returns,

Beto O’Rourke Once Again Rules Out Running For Senate

Beto O’Rourke is once again rejecting the idea of running for Senate instead of President.

Trump Wants To Buy Greenland

President Trump wants to make a deal.

John Hickenlooper Ends Quixotic White House Bid

We won’t have Hickenlooper to kick around anymore.

At Trump’s Urging, Netanyahu Bars Two Members Of Congress From Entering Israel

After urging from President Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has barred two Muslim-American Congressmen from visiting Israel. It is a foolish and outrageous decision.

Most Americans Support Ban On Assault Weapons And Other Gun Control Measures

Another poll in the wake of this month’s mass shootings shows increased support for several gun control measures. That doesn’t mean Congress will act, though.

Trump Promised To Bring Jobs Back To America. It’s Not Happening.

As a candidate, Donald Trump promised to bring jobs back to the United States, especially manufacturing jobs. It hasn’t worked out that way.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Steve King: Rape And Incest Necessary For Humanity To Exist

Congressman Steve King has some rather unique views about human history.

Trump Delays Tariffs On Chinese Consumer Goods

President Trump is delaying implementation of his recently announced tariffs on Chinese goods.

Hickenlooper For Senate?

There are hints that former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper could abandon his seemingly doomed Presidential bid to run for Senate.

Democrats’ Debate Qualification Rules Too Easy to Game

Rich candidates are buying artificial donors to stay in the contest.

Budget Deficit Sets Another Record Under Trump, Heads Toward $1 Trillion

The Federal Budget Deficit rose 27% in July, putting it on course for the $1 trillion by the end of September.

Trump’s Trade War Could Force Economy Into Recession, Analysts Warn

Economic analysts are growing increasingly worried that the President’s trade war could push the world economy into recession, and take the American economy along with it.

Donald Trump Is A Congenital Liar, But Will That Matter To Voters?

Donald Trump lies with the ease that the rest of us tie our shoes. Will that fact have an impact on voters?

Hong Kong Protests Close Airport, Risk Confrontation With Military

Protests in Hong Kong have been going on for nine weeks now, but they are reaching a point where the patience of the leaders in Beijing is being tested.

Joe Biden Being Joe Biden is Hurting Joe Biden

The 76-year-old Democratic frontrunner’s penchant for gaffes is raising questions about his fitness to govern.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Federal Court Rules In Favor Of Transgender Student In Bathroom Access Case

A Federal Court has ruled once again in favor of a transgender student in Virginia who was prevented from using the bathroom conforming to their gender identity.

The Trump Administration Has Killed Human Rights Diplomacy

Under the Trump Administration, the American commitment to human rights around the world is basically dead.

Trump Considering Commuting Blago’s Sentence

President Trump says he’s thinking about commuting the sentenced of Rod Blagojevich, who has served seven years of the fourteen-year sentence he received for public corruption.

Compare and Contrast

Trump’s words on Monday versus, well, almost every other time he speaks…

Meet Donald Trump’s Latest Far-Right Twitter Muse

Donald Trump has found a new far-right lunatic to retweet.

Trump in El Paso Trump in El Paso

What’s Wrong with this Picture?

Trump’s trip to El Paso in one photo and two videos.

Epstein Death Leads To Legitimate Questions And Baseless Conspiracy Theories

Jeffrey Epstein’s death by suicide has led to many legitimate questions that should be investigated. It has also led to the rise of a number of baseless conspiracy theories.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Trump Campaign Sues To Block California Law Requiring Release Of Tax Returns

The Trump campaign and several other parties have filed lawsuits challenging California’s new law requiring candidates for President to release copies of their tax returns.

Jeffrey Epstein Dead In Apparent Suicide

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier who was arrested earlier this summer on sex trafficking and abuse charges, has died of what appears to be a suicide in his jail cell.

Boris Johnson Headed For A Snap Election?

It looks as if Boris Johnson’s government could be looking to call for a snap election to he held in the immediate aftermath of Brexit.

You Can’t Accept Part Of Trumpism Without Endorsing The Entirety Of Trumpism

Donald Trump is a complete package, you can’t support part of it without at least implicitly endorsing all of it.

Poll Shows Increased Support For Gun Control Measures, But Will It Last?

In the wake of the back-to-back shootings in Texas and Ohio, a new poll shows increased support for some gun control measures. But we’ve been here before.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off-topic because there IS no topic.

More Shakeups At The Top Of The Intelligence Community

Just over a week after Dan Coats announced he was stepping own as Director of National Intelligence, there are more shakeups at the top of the U.S. intelligence community.

The Trump Administration’s Economic War Against Venezuela Will Not Succeed

The Trump Administration has effectively declared economic warfare against the government of Nicolas Maduro. It won’t succeed, and will further victimize the already suffering Venezuelan people.

On A Day That Called For National Unity, Trump Reverted To Attacks And Division

On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.

While Democrats Debate, Republicans Push Forward On Judges

While Democrats debated among themselves about health care plans that will likely never become law, Republicans were pushing forward with judicial confirmations.

Puerto Rico Gets Its Third Governor In A Week

Thanks to a ruling by the Puerto Rican Supreme Court, the island Commonwealth has its third Governor in less than a week.

Biden Leads, Warren Rises, Kamala Falls In Wake of Second Debate

One week out from the second Democratic debate, Elizabeth Warren appears to be the biggest beneficiary. while Kamala Harris appears to be falling behind.

Second Circuit Reinstates Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against The New York Times

In a unanimous decision, a three-judge panel from the Second Circuit has reinstated Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against The New York Times.

The Battle For Senate Control In 2020 Appears To Favor Republicans

In the battle for Senate control in 2020, the conditions appear to favor Republicans. At least for now.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

China Warns Hong Kong Protesters, But It Has Few Realistic Options

Beijing is warning protesters in Hong Kong that it’s restraint in the face of protests is not without limit. However, it has few realistic options when it comes to how far it can go.

Jon Huntsman Resigns As Ambassador To Russia Ahead Of Possible Return To Politics

Jon Huntsman has resigned as Ambassador to Russia ahead of an anticipated bid to return as Utah’s Governor, a position he held 11 years ago.

Nebraska Republican Calls Out His Own Party For Silence In Response To Trump’s Rhetoric

A Republican State Legislator in Nebraska says things that other Republicans don’t have the courage to say.

Poll Shows Scots Supporting Independence As The U.K. Stumbles Toward Brexit

Adding to the political headaches for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, a new poll shows majority support for Scottish independence in Scotland as the United Kingdom stumbles toward Brexit.