Federal Court Dismisses Covington Teen’s Lawsuit Against Washington Post

A Federal Judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by a Kentucky teenager alleging he had been defamed by the coverage of his confrontation with a Native American man in January.

What is American Patriotism?

There’s an inherent tension in our national ethos.

Supreme Court Backs Trump On Border Wall Funding, For Now

The Supreme Court handed the President a victory last night, ruling that the Plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging his funding of the border wall did not have standing to challenge his diversion of Defense Department funds. This may only be a temporary victory, though.

Mueller Hearings Draw 13 Million Viewers

Wednesday’s Congressional testimony by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller wasn’t exactly a ratings blockbuster.

Economic Growth Slows But Shows No Signs Of Entering Recession Territory

The economy slowed somewhat during the second three months of 2019, but the economic recovery still looks strong as we head into the 122nd month of positive growth.

Mueller And The Reality Of Russian Election Interference

While much of the talk about Robert Mueller’s testimony has focused on the Trump campaign, there was another part to his testimony that brings attention to a far more serious threat.

An Observation on the Mueller Testimony

On documents and the degree to which they speak for themselves.

A Photo for Friday: “Cards”

In memoriam.

Cowboys, Yankees Ranked As World’s Two Most Valuable Sports Franchises

New estimates place the Cowboys and Yankees at the top of the list of the most valuable sports franchises in the world.

Americans Find Trump’s Rhetoric Racist, But He Doesn’t Care

Even a Fox News poll finds that the American public finds the President’s recent rhetoric to be racist. There’s a different picture when you look at his supporters, though.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

McConnell And Senate Republicans Block Election Security Bills

The evidence is clear that Russia interfered in the election in 2016 and intends to do so again. Despite this, Mitch McConnell is blocking legislation designed to enhance election security.

Impeachment In The Wake Of The Mueller Hearing

The Mueller hearing has weakened the political argument for impeachment. Democrats need to proceed with caution, and concentrate on winning in 2020 rather than removing the President from office prematurely.

Trump Condemned ‘The Squad’ For Doing Exactly What He Does

President Trump attacked four Democratic Congresswomen for engaging in exactly the same rhetoric that the President himself has over the years.

After Weeks Of Protests, Puerto Rico’s Governor Will Resign

After weeks of protests and years of frustrations, Ricardo Rosselló, the Governor of Puerto Rico, announced last night that he will be resigning from office.

Mueller Doesn’t Deliver

Everything you always wanted in a hearing. And less.

Robert Mueller Underwhelms, But Still Hits Important Points

Robert Mueller didn’t provide a smoking gun yesterday, but the President and his supporters are wrong to claim that the hearing vindicated the President.

Boris Johnson Officially Becomes British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson now has the job he’s wanted since he entered politics. Whether he succeeds or fails should become readily apparent rather quickly.

Trump Sues Over New York Law That Would Give Congress Access To His Tax Returns

Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit seeking to block a New York State law that would allow Congress to obtain copies of his state tax returns.

American Public Strongly Supports Statehood For Puerto Rico

In contrast to the idea of granting statehood to the District of Columbia, the American public appears to strongly support statehood for Puerto RIco.

Mark Esper Confirmed As 27th Secretary Of Defense

Mark Esper has been confirmed and sworn in as the next Secretary of Defense, ending a period of nearly 100 days during which the Pentagon was headed by a succession of Acting Secretaries.

It’s Mueller Time

Starting at 8:30 a.m. this morning, the eyes and ears of Washington and much of the nation will be focus on one thing, the testimony of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Avengers: Endgame Passes Avatar On Top-Grossing Films List

This past weekend, Avengers: Endgame passed Avatar as the biggest-grossing movie of all-time, but there are several caveats.

Trump’s Mass Immigration Raids Netted 35 Arrests

President Trump threatened mass immigration raids. What was delivered was far less met the eye.

Top Four Democrats Fighting It Out in California

The top four Democratic candidates are grouped closely together in the most recent polls out of delegate-rich California.

Trump And Congress Reach Deal On Budget-Busting Debt Deal

President Trump and the Congressional leadership have reached agreement on a multi-year budget deal that that busts through all remaining controls on spending.

Boris Johnson Wins Tory Leadership Fight, Will Become Next British Prime Minister

Boris Johnson won the fight for the leadership of Great Britain’s Conservative Party and will soon become the next British Prime Minister. That was the easy part.

Mark A.R. Kleiman, 1951-2019

A great public intellectual, pioneering blogger, and all-around good man is gone.

Congress And The Country Prepare For Mueller Time

On Wednesday, much of official Washington, and likely a good part of the country itself, will pause to watch what are likely to biggest hearings since the late 1980s.

W.H.O. Declares Congo Ebola Outbreak A World Health Emergency

The World Health Organization has declared the year-long Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo a “world health emergency.”

Most Americans Find President’s Tweets Un-American And Racist

Two new polls show that the President’s recent racist tweetstorms have not gone over well with Americans as a whole, but that’s unlikely to cause the President to walk them back.

Majority Of Americans Oppose D.C. Statehood

A new poll finds that a majority of Americans oppose statehood for the District of Columbia.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

A Serious Threat to Higher Education in Alaska

After a series of line item vetoes, the University of Alaska is facing a 41% cut in state funding.

Boris Johnson One Step Away From No. 10 Downing Street, Not Everyone Is Happy

As early as Tuesday, Boris Johnson could be confirmed as the winner in the race for Tory leadership. This will make him the next British Prime Minister. Not everyone in the United Kingdom is thrilled about that idea.

Antifa Terrorist Killed While Attempting to Blow Up ICE Facility

A strangely under-publicized story.

Trump Immune from ‘Racism’ Charge?

The President’s approval is up and disapproval down after the latest incidents.

Army Appellate Court Rejects Bergdahl Appeal Based On Trump Comments

An Army appellate court has rejected an appeal filed by Bowe Bergdahl that argued that the President’s attacks on him while a candidate unfairly influenced his court martial.

Democrats Way Behind in Fundraising Again

The DNC has $9.3 million to the RNC’s $44 million.

Apollo At 50

Fifty years ago today, we were reminded of what humanity can accomplish if we put our minds to it. It seems like we’ve forgotten that over the past half-century.

A Reminder that Institutions Matter

Some key numbers.

The Russia-Right Wing Talking Point Cycle

How insidious talking points spread in the modern media environment.

Tensions Increasing Again In The Persian Gulf

Tensions are increasing in the Persian Gulf thanks to a collection of actions by Iran, the United States, and United Kingdom.

Open Forum

Where you can’t be off topic because there IS no topic.

Trump’s Electoral College Advantage Growing

He could lose the popular vote by an even larger margin in 2020—and still coast to re-election.

Ocasio-Cortez Gets A Republican Challenger She Need Not Worry About

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez already has a Republican challenger, but she doesn’t really need to worry about it.

Explaining Trump’s Racist Attacks On ‘The Squad’

The President’s decision to base his re-election campaign on racism and stoking racial and ethnic divisions is quite simple to explain.

Mark Sanford Considering Primary Challenge Against Trump

Former South Carolina Congressman and Governor Mark Sanford is reportedly considering an intra-party challenge to President Trump