Joe Rogan, Experienced

Out of a sense of fairness, I gave a listen.

Pence and the Whirlwind

Doing the right thing on 1/6/20 doesn’t absolve him of being a key Trump enabler.

Republican Vote Needed to Confirm Biden Justice?

New Mexico Senator Ben Ray Luján is hospitalized with a stroke.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

Secrecy and Democracy

How do we know when our government is telling us the truth?

Sunday’s Forum

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Not Baffling at All (Headline Reaction)

Trump’s pardon offer is just another way to propagate the big lies about the election and 1/6.

Boosters ‘Less Effective’ for Those in Least Danger

Media reporting on CDC findings is, once again, unhelpful.

US Surpasses 900,000 COVID Deaths

Yet another grim milestone.

Yahoo News: News for Yahoos?

The longtime aggregator is now serving mostly non-news content.

US Waives Iran Sanctions as Deal Nears

The Biden administration is close to repairing the damage Trump caused.

Supreme Court Wikiality

Did you know that the elephant population has tripled over the last six months?

Saturday’s Forum

Normalizing Political Violence

In their censure of Cheney and Kinzinger the GOP wants to rewrite history.

Photos for Friday

John Robert Lewis Hall (plus the soapiest fountain of them all).

The Olympic Spirit and Authoritarian Regimes

There’s no keeping politics out of these Games.

Friday’s Forum

[I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!] [I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!]

The Onion is Right Again: Black History Month & CRT-Bans Edition

I’m shocked, shocked, to find that this is happening here.

Washington Commanders

DC’s NFL franchise finally has a new name.

Raid on Terrorist Leader Kills More Civilians

The American way of war kills a lot of noncombatants.

Butterfly Center Closed Over Fears of Conspiracy Nuts

A ginned up controversy regarding a border nature reserve has escalated.

Thursday’s Forum

Nostalgic for Nostalgia

Is the past still the past?

Why Was Whoopi Goldberg Suspended?

Since when is it a crime to say stupid things on “The View”?

Wednesday’s Forum

The Economics of Streaming

The industry is changing rapidly.

Trump Wanted to Seize Voting Machines

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Clarence Thomas’ Continuing Conflict

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. Alas.

Photos for January

A month’s worth.

From the “You Can’t Make this Stuff Up” File

Drug smuggling edition.

The Myth of Picking the Best

And yes, it is political (and always has been).

[Maus & To Kill a Mocking Bird Books] [Maus & To Kill a Mocking Bird Books]

[Updated 1/31] Both Sides Are NOT the Same: “Banned” Book Edition

People, details do in fact matter!

Non-Peer Review of Medical Studies

The downside to online archives of pre-print articles.

Democrats Killing Iowa Caucuses?

Momentum for ending an undemocratic anachronism is building.

Sunday’s Forum

The Children Must Be Protected!

But from what? Comparing two stories from Tennessee that show our society’s contradictory impulses when it comes to “protecting the children.”

Yes, it is Voter Suppression

When procedures lead to more rejected ballots and fewer voters, what else is there to call it?

Both-sidesing COVID

Being too cautious and careless are not equal sins.

Mixing Music and Politics

You pay for this but they give you that.

Saturday’s Forum

A Photo for Friday


Race and the Myth of Meritocracy: Supreme Court Edition

When “obviously qualified” apparently isn’t enough

Ilya Shapiro’s Inartful Tweet

Outrage over the outrage is outrageous.

Friday’s Forum

Which Black Woman Will Biden Appoint to the Supreme Court?

The 46th President will follow the lead of the 40th in making a historic appointment.

Thursday’s Forum