Climbing the Ecosystem

Dean Esmay tries to answer the “How do I get my blog noticed?” question that seems to pop up with some regularity. The answers haven’t changed much since the last time but new readers and bloggers keep coming along.

I would also add a version of the advice sage golfers give to the “How do I improve my golf game?” question: Go back and take up blogging three years ago.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Zygote says:

    Write about Janet’s boobs. Oh you mean long-term notice?

    Nevermind then.

  2. Keith Taylor says:

    I’m sure a google search for ‘janet jackson+titties’ still generates a lot of blog traffic even now.

  3. pennywit says:

    Considering the way the ecosystem is titled (reptiles, amphibians, etc.), I’ve sometimes wondered if the solution is to eat other blogs.


  4. In real estate, value is generally tied to location, location, location.

    In my opinion, something similar happens in blogging, except value is tied to content, content, content.

    I hope I’m right.

  5. James Joyner says:

    I-P: You’re probably right eventually. The key, though, is networking. You have to have interesting content, yes. But if you already know or are known to major bloggers, it’s a huge advantage. Wonkette is the most obvious recent example–major linkage on a constant basis propelled her to the upper echelons almost immediately. Or Professor Bainbridge, who has excellent content but gets a ton of exposure because of his relationship with Hugh Hewitt and Eugene Volokh. If you’re starting in a vacuum, it’s a lot harder to get noticed.