Danish Muslim Cartoons: What Would Mohammad Do?
John Burgess notes that many Middle Eastern opinion leaders are (counseling calm reaction to the Danish cartoons that have so many Muslims angered to the point of rioting. Most interestingly, an Arab entrepreneur is launching a new comic book extoling the peaceful virtues all Muslims should live by.
One hopes these efforts are successful. Further, we’d like to think that they are more representative of the silent majority of Muslims than the constant violence that is perpetrated in their name. Unfortunately, deeds speak louder than words and the actions of a minority can overwhelm the good intentions of a passive majority.
See all of the images in full size at my Danish Muslim Cartoons page.
Related stories below the fold.
Iranian Paper Launches Holocaust Cartoon Competition
Danish Muslim Cartoon Protests Kill Six
Dutch Muslim Cartoon: Anne Frank and Hitler in Bed
Danish Muslim Cartoon Controversy in Context
Danish Embassy in Syria Torched over Muslim Cartoons
Danish Muslim Cartoons ‘Offensive,’ Says U.S. Government
Muslim Day of Anger to Respond to Cartoons
French Editor Fired Over Muhammad Drawings
French and German Papers Republish Danish Cartoons
Danish Newspaper Apologizes for Muslim Cartoons
Another soon to be headless entreprener? silent majority? mohammad wuold ether turn them to Islam or kill them!