Democrats Support Prisoner Abuse, Hate Our Soldiers

Well, that’s what the campaign ads are going to say, anyway.

From the AP:

The 365-50 roll call Thursday by which the House approved a resolution condemning the abuses of Iraqi prisoners while commending the members of the U.S. Armed Forces serving in Iraq .

A “yes” vote is a vote to approve the resolution.

Voting “yes” were 151 Democrats, 213 Democrats and one independent.

Voting “no” were 49 Democrats and one independent.

I’m sure that was supposed to be “213 Republicans.” One wonders why the 49 Democrats and one independent voted against the resolution, though, given how it will certainly be portrayed. Obviously, they don’t not condemn the abuses. Don’t commend the armed forces? I’m sure a few of them don’t, but I can’t imagine they’d want to go on the record. Certainly not 50 of them.

The entire delegations, regardless of party, of both Virginia and Alabama, my “home” states, are firmly opposed to abusing prisoners and four square in favor of our boys in uniform. Way to take a stand!

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Thorley Winston says:

    Unfortunately three of the eight representatives from my State – McCollum, Sabo, and Oberstar voted against the troops and in favor of prisoner abuse.

    Kudos to Gutknect, Kennedy, Kline, Ramstad, and Peterson for doing the right thing.

  2. This isn’t an issue that really cuts to party line but I fear it’s going to spin off onto one as the Democrats clamor for Rumsfeld’s scalp (better his than Cheney’s: Rumsfeld has more HAIR) and the Republicans react due to election year silliness in digging in their heals defending Rumsfeld. No one an deny he has been a great public servant over the years. But like most ISSUES in American politics we eventually get sidetracked on the smaller issues. Clearly we’re in the middle of a polarizing realignment and every issue becomes a hub for it.

  3. Dodd says:

    This article can’t get anything right. It isn’t Bernie Sanders (Socialist) – who’s always identified as “an independent” even though he has a party registration. He voted Yes. This so-called “independent” “Nay” was Republican Ron Paul, who voted that way, no doubt, out of consistency.

  4. Zayphar says:

    Due to Gerrymandering, there are so many Representatives (both Democratic and Republican) that have stone cold locked steats (i.e. >70% of the vote), that they don’t have to worry about being too far right or too far left.

    They can feel free to espouse the most extreme positions without any fear of retribution at the polls.

    Peace and Freedom for an Independent Iraq!

  5. Voxxy says:

    I am sad to say that every Democrat in my state’s delegation, including Kucinich, Tubbs-Jones, and Brown, voted against the resolution…but what else can I expect from them?

  6. Attila Girl says:

    I always think these symbolic votes are so silly.

    “The U.S. Congress votes to stomp its little feet.”