Duke Lacrosse Rape Case: Witness Intimidation?
That is what Radley Balko thinks, and frankly it sure looks that way to me.
DURHAM, North Carolina (AP) — A cab driver who has supported an alibi offered by one of the two Duke lacrosse players charged with rape has been arrested on an old shoplifting warrant.
The warrant accuses Moez Mostafa of stealing five purses worth about $250 from a Durham department store in 2003, which he denies.
Mostafa told The News & Observer of Raleigh he helped store security locate a woman after he had picked her up from the store and drove her home.
“I am not responsible for what she did inside the store,” Mostafa said. “I am just a taxi driver.”
The woman pleaded guilty to larceny three months later, the paper said. Mostafa said he thought he was done with the case until he was arrested Wednesday.
Let me see…he gave a lady who stole 5 purses a ride home (because he is a taxi driver), store security then contacts him in the hopes of finding the woman, the Mr. Mostafa complies, the lady is arrested and confesses. Now three years later Mike Nifong, the District Attorney making news appearances, has him arrested because he can corroborate one of the accused Lacrosse players contention that he left the party before the alleged rape took place. Hmmm…no, nothing suspicious there.
Except that your version doesnt quite add up either. If the cabbie’s involvement in the shoplifing was as utterly innocent as you make it out to be, then why was a warrant for his arrest issued in the first place? Or not dismissed? Remeber, this is an old warrant, not a new charge.
Since when is it the practice to issue arrest warrants against a cab driver for the crimes of his fare? There must have been a theory that he was involved (which isnt eviscerated by her guilty plea), and for some reason, that wasn’t cleared up in his favor.
I guess…..anyway, seems like you are convinced of some version of the larger story and are jumping to some conclusions yourself.
What, police never make mistakes Tano?
The police and DA’s are not above using intimidation to get a recalcitrant person to cooperate more fully such as naming a person an accessory when in reality they are “just the cab driver”. Now maybe the cabbie was in on the heist, but then why wasn’t he arrested back in 2003? He helped find the woman, so they knew where he was.
I watch the DA’s public shennanigans, read about the lack of evidence, and so forth and it looks more like a DA out to make a name for himself than pursue justice. Or course, I don’t know all the evidence, but what I do see makes it look like some foolish and loutish spoil brats are getting railroaded. So, lets just say that my current probability that a rape happened is rather low.
Nifong also just won a primary, which took place AFTER these events. There have been so many holes in this case, it certainly appears that the DA might have other agendas. From the DNA results to the alleged victim “IDing” the assailants from a collection of pictures of ONLY LACROSSE PLAYERS to police officers rifling through the players’ dorm rooms, I have been pretty amazed by the shenanigans surrounding this case. I’m just thankful the Reverend has gotten involved.
tano; the answer to your question is……tah dah, government incompetence!!!
Lawyers are waiting in the shadows for lucrative civil suit
A man stands in the shadows of the Duke Lacrosse ‘rape’ caseâ?¦watching and waiting. While the three wealthy, white male students remains in criminal court, he is not likely to step forward.
Even at this early stage, the stripperâ??s mother is “very much interested” in “getting Willie E. Gary is a litigator renowned for winning huge settlements.
The stripperâ??s parents met with Gary in April. The meeting was facilitated by civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Gary acts as a family adviser, and the parents are laying groundwork to make a civil bid. Public opinion can be a large bargaining chip in obtaining a lucrative settlement. Earlier, the parents spoke freely; now theyâ??re being more media savvy.
Essence Magazine featured three articles by Kristal Brent Zook. Each is sympathetic to the accuser. (1st) “Family Defends Daughter’s Painful Past”, (2nd) “Nowhere to Turn,” depicts the accuser as living in terror. (3rd) is basically an announcement of Willie Gary’s appearance in the case; it concludes by stating that the parents “worry that their daughter mayâ?¦need additional legal guidance.”
Civil law deals in torts or harms inflicted by one person upon another; its purposes are compensation for actual or perceived damages.
A “guilty” verdict in criminal court can be used to establish liability in a civil one but if the verdict is “not guilty” or the charges are dropped, a civil case can proceed independently.
Kobe Bryant settled out-of-court settlement. Such settlements are not necessarily admissions of guilt. After months of media blitz, Bryant may have been embarrassed to settle, so civil suits could be lucrative even if the â??accuserâ??sâ?? claim is completely fabricated. The Duke students will face the same choice?
Civil suits can be lucrative, and theyâ??re easier to win; standards of evidence and other legal protections enjoyed by a defendant are significantly lowered in civil court.
Clearly, her parents wish to explore a civil proceeding. Gary is conspicuously available.