Firefighters Pump Jet Fuel On Fire Instead Of Water, By Mistake
How in the world does something like this happen:
The Washington State Patrol is investigating a serious mishap that occurred Oct. 25th at its fire training academy in North Bend.
During a training exercise, firefighters mistakenly pumped jet fuel instead of water onto a flaming mock-up of an airplane crash.
KING 5 obtained video that shows an enormous fireball erupted when the fuel hit the flames at the training site.
“When the firefighters put water on a fire that had been deliberately developed for training the fire got bigger instead of smaller,” said Bob Calkins of the State Patrol, which is investigating the incident.
Well, yes, that’s what tends to happen when you pour jet fuel onto a burning fire.
As for how this might have happened:
Calkins said investigators believe that the academy’s oil/water separator – which recycles the water used for fire training exercises – did not correctly filter the jet fuel used for the exercise from the reclaimed water.
So crews filled their tanks with water tainted with jet fuel — a combustible combination.
Unlike chocolate and Peanut Butter, these are not two great things that work great together.
Wait, wait, hold on, why the hell was there a nozzle for jet fuel there in the first place?!
Interesting. Unfortunately the recycling effort went awry in a major way.
@Tillman: That had me confused, too, and I re-read it carefully. The place re-uses water, and runs it through a filtering process. A bunch of jet fuel from the simulated crash got mixed in with the water and was NOT filtered out, so the re-used water had a very high percentage of boom juice.
That last paragraph makes no sense whatsoever. Notwithstanding whatever the filter did, how did water and jet fuel get mixed together in the first place?!
And if you say:”well, they put water into a tank that used to use jet fuel”, who was the bozo who failed to make certain that the tank was fully cleaned?
I’m interested, however–it would seem to me that the jet fuel must have been a sizable percentage of whatever was dumped onto the flames. I can’t imagine water with trace amounts would have acted that way.
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@grumpy realist:
I presumed, perhaps incorrectly, that they got mixed together during previous exercises (they douse burning jet fuel with water, putting out the fire, which leaves some unburnt fuel).
@Franklin: Isn’t that only if they slurp up the jet fuel/water again?
Yes. That quote specifically says, “recycles the water used for fire training exercises”, so I’m assuming they slurp it up for the purpose of recycling.