James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.
Thanks. It took a while. My inbound links have more than doubled in the past month or less. I went from Insigificant Microbe right to Lowly Insect in one leap, and have climbed two more categories since. Indeed, the biggest leap is out of Microbe status, since virtually everyone is in that category. NZ Bear says he’s going to recalibrate one of these days so that it’s based on percentiles or something.
Well, congratulations.
I don’t think I’ll ever go beyond “Insignificant Microbes”…
No, serious, I really like your blog.
Thanks. It took a while. My inbound links have more than doubled in the past month or less. I went from Insigificant Microbe right to Lowly Insect in one leap, and have climbed two more categories since. Indeed, the biggest leap is out of Microbe status, since virtually everyone is in that category. NZ Bear says he’s going to recalibrate one of these days so that it’s based on percentiles or something.