Fox News Can’t Find Egypt On A Map
More fun with cable news Chyrons:
Or maybe this was a signal that FNC thinks we should invade Egypt.
Via Twitter
Update: As noted in a comment below, this appears to be an FNC Chyron from July 2009. Nonetheless…….
Certainly an interesting choice.
I’m definitely NOT a fan of Fox News, but in the interests of fairness, I could see how this could be a hurried mistake when using an interface that whoever makes the graphics might not be accustomed to.
However, I really, REALLY hope it wasn’t up long. Their viewers are ignorant enough as it is.
Achmadinejad can see Egypt from his house.
While we’re at it, why is Lebanon shaded in like the west bank? I think they also have Lebanon confused with Gaza.
July 27, 2009
At Fox, you probably get a raise if you are responsible for something like this…
Good one Fox! What a great source of factual information.
And Chris Matthews thinks the Panama Canal is in Egypt. Silly me, I thought it was in Panama.
Fox news is still kicking everyone else’s behind.
>And Chris Matthews thinks the Panama Canal is in Egypt.
I had to look that one up to know what you were talking about. (I’m not a regular watcher of Matthews or any other cable news pundit.) He offhandedly referred to Egypt as having “the Panama Canal,” and just a few seconds later corrected himself, and clarified that he meant the Suez Canal.
By contrast, FNC has been displaying this incorrect map for more than A YEAR AND A HALF!
To wingnuts, a slip of the tongue is equal to and cancels out actual ignorance and idiocy.
> Fox news is still kicking everyone else’s behind.
Yea, ignorance and stupidity sell. When are they bringing “Snooki” on board?
“When are they bringing ‘Snooki’ on board?”
Oh come now, they already have a big reality star on board…one is more than enough…
Yeah, and your hero, Chrissy Mathews stated clearly the Panama Canal was in Egypt. Go bite a big one Doug.
It’s talking about something happening in Israel, and it shows Israel, Syria, and Iran.
Why are you talking about Egypt?
because the map labels a country as “Egypt” that is actually Irak!
Giant fail Fox, what an embarrassment!!!!!