G-Mail Invites

The last two caption contest winners have declined their prize of G-mail invites. This once-valuable commodity has apparently reached some level of market saturation, finally. Even the “G-mail for troops” program, which accepted the invite that Terry Oglesby declined, hasn’t actually claimed it after several days.

I’ll keep a couple in reserve in case those are claimed but I’ll give out three invites on a first come, first served basis to OTB readers. Place your claims in the comments below.

UPDATE: Remaining invites: 3 2 1 All gone.

FILED UNDER: Science & Technology,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. Boyd says:

    Thanks, but I’ve got six invites of my own just sitting there collecting dust.

  2. Eric Akawie says:

    Me too. Send me an e-mail if you want one. (And James is out.)

  3. lunacy says:

    I’ll take one if it comes to that. I haven’t been actively seeking one but my son has. I’d give it to him.


  4. Eric says:

    Well I guess that I am behind the times…No invite yet. I would appreciate it if you could send me a gmail invite. Do you need more contact info or is the email address enough?


  5. R Gardner says:

    If you still have one available, I’ll take it. Might as well have yet another email address – plus G-Mail has the great geek factor.


  6. Timmer says:

    What the HELL is G-Mail and why would I want it?

  7. Patty says:

    I’d love to have one, if that one is left.

  8. Patty says:

    Sorry, mine is pd**@pd****.com, e-mail to send to. Thanks!

  9. Jeff says:

    Still looking for a G-mail invite…

  10. James Joyner says:

    Try Jeff Quinton. He’s giving away another four.

  11. lunacy says:

    Sorry I thought I had provide my email in the post a comment form.


  12. I’ve got five available.

  13. James,

    I have one Gmail invite if your readers are interested. If so, pass along their email address and I’ll gladly give it up.

  14. John Cunningham says:

    Hi all,
    I have 5 gmail invites, I would be glad to pass them along. my email is john.cunningham
    @gmail.com. If you want it, email me your first/last name and current email.
    I like gmail a lot, it has good indexing and search capabilities.

  15. robert emery says:

    i would like to have a invite to g-mail
    if you have one please send one! i got groups
    i and i don’t have anoth space for there emails.
    i need a g-mail invite badly!

  16. Billy says:

    Hi. Someone please send me a G-mail invite? Thanks! I greatly appreciate it!