Google Sports Calendars

When checking my Google calendar this morning, I noticed a tab at the top highlighting “New: Sports Calendars.”   Apparently, they actually rolled this out a couple weeks ago:

Now, when you look under “Other Calendars,” click “Add,” then “Browse Interesting Calendars” (or use this link to the Calendar directory), you’ll find calendars for hundreds of teams in dozens of sports leagues — everything from the National Football League to the Korean FA Cup.

When you subscribe to your favorite team’s calendar, you’ll see every game listed, updated in real time with the score as the game progresses.

You can also subscribe to a “Contacts’ Birthdays and Events” calendar, which will add all of your contacts’ birthdays to Google Calendar. Data is pulled from your Gmail contacts and your friends’ Google profiles.

This is pretty awesome. The last couple of years, I’ve manually entered in the schedules of the Dallas Cowboys and Alabama Crimson Tide so my wife can schedule our social calendar around them.   Obviously, though, it’s a lot easier to have this automated.   Not only is that a time-saver but sports schedules, especially college football, are often shifted substantially to accomodate television.

I shan’t be adding the birthday tool, however.  I get enough reminders of the birthdays of people I barely know through Facebook and the half dozen social media sites I signed up for, stopped using, but won’t leave me alone.

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is Professor of Security Studies at Marine Corps University's Command and Staff College. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.