High School Sophomore Challenges Michele Bachmann To Debate On Constitution

This is amusing:

Dear Representative Bachmann,

My name is Amy Myers. I am a Cherry Hill, New Jersey sophomore attending Cherry Hill High School East. As a typical high school student, I have found quite a few of your statements regarding The Constitution of the United States, the quality of public school education and general U.S. civics matters to be factually incorrect, inaccurately applied or grossly distorted. The frequency and scope of these comments prompted me to write this letter.

Though I am not in your home district, or even your home state, you are a United States Representative of some prominence who is subject to national media coverage. News outlets and websites across this country profile your causes and viewpoints on a regular basis. As one of a handful of women in Congress, you hold a distinct privilege and responsibility to better represent your gender nationally. The statements you make help to serve an injustice to not only the position of Congresswoman, but women everywhere. Though politically expedient, incorrect comments cast a shadow on your person and by unfortunate proxy, both your supporters and detractors alike often generalize this shadow to women as a whole.

Rep. Bachmann, the frequent inability you have shown to accurately and factually present even the most basic information about the United States led me to submit the follow challenge, pitting my public education against your advanced legal education:

I, Amy Myers, do hereby challenge Representative Michele Bachmann to a Public Forum Debate and/or Fact Test on The Constitution of the United States, United States History and United States Civics.

Hopefully, we will be able to meet for such an event, as it would prove to be enlightening.

Sincerely yours,
Amy Myers

Congresswoman, the ball is in your court.


FILED UNDER: US Politics, ,
Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.


  1. Vast Variety says:

    “Are you smarter than a 5th grader… congress edition”

  2. Ken says:

    That’s hardly sporting.

  3. Jay Tea says:

    Maybe after Bachman, she can take on Obama…


  4. Dan Rather says:

    Listening to some 16 year old plant mindlessly parrot Journolist talking points on stage would be terribly boring. Also, what would the point of the “debate” be for Bachman?

    To echo Jay Tea, I’d rather see Bachman debate “Constitutional Law Professor” Obama. He can point out and explain the instances where he thinks Bachman has “distorted” the Constitution or provided “factually incorrect” information about U.S. civics matters, and then Bachman would have equal time to expound on all the instances where Obama has done so.

    In deference to his being the President, Bachman should allow Obama to choose which of the 57 states the debate is held in.

    And the debate must be held in English, not Austrian.

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    As a typical high school student, I have found quite a few of your statements regarding The Constitution of the United States, the quality of public school education and general U.S. civics matters to be factually incorrect, inaccurately applied or grossly distorted. The frequency and scope of these comments prompted me to write this letter.

    lolI’ll bet you and it did.

  6. Davebo says:

    To echo Jay Tea, I’d rather see Bachman debate “Constitutional Law Professor” Obama. He can point out and explain the instances where he thinks Bachman has “distorted” the Constitution or provided “factually incorrect” information about U.S. civics matters

    We’ll need to set aside at least 4 hours for such an endeavor.

    But do we really want our nation’s leader wasting time on it? There are a lot of idiotic Bachman’s out there and if we insist that the President debunk idiots such as herself or, for that matter, anonymous internet posters wouldn’t that be a poor use of the $400,000.00 a year we pay them?

  7. mantis says:

    Listening to some 16 year old plant mindlessly parrot Journolist talking points

    Wow, squeezed Journolist into this one. Impressive.

    The wingnut force is strong with this one.

  8. anjin-san says:

    That the wingnut brigade is already hard at work covering Bachman’s retreat is telling…

  9. Show of hands: who thinks an eighth grader actually wrote this?

  10. @ Christopher: I don’t know if she wrote it or not, but if this ever did happen the smart money is on the 8th grader.

  11. MostlyHuman says:

    A sophomore is actually a 10th grader.

  12. judgemc says:

    @ christopher Sophmore is 10th grade not 8th, my second grader could beat bachmann in a debate on the constitution. But my kid pays attention to the school house rock videos I bought her.

  13. tom p says:

    Christopher, I will put my money on an 8th grader any day over MB….

    Michele… put up or shut up.

  14. Rick Almeida says:

    lolI’ll bet you and it did.

    That high school sophomore writes far better English than you ever will, G.A.

  15. Tsar Nicholas says:

    I don’t know which part of this story is more absurd:

    The fact that some washed-up, lefty K-12 zombie decided to ghost write for some high school lemming a challenge to Bachmann to debate the Constitution, or the fact fthat a high school student probably could beat Bachmann in a Constitutional debate at least 8x out of 10 (unless of course the former hailed from Detroit).

  16. Scott O. says:

    Ha! I bet Amy Myers doesn’t even know that the constitution was dictated by God.

  17. John Peabody says:

    Doug, really… Why?

  18. AllenS says:

    Would you feel the same way if a 5th grader challenged Obama to a debate?

    Can you imagine this: “Obama are you smarter than a fifth grader?”

    You’d be all for that? Right, Mr. Mattaconis?

  19. Jay Tea says:

    The student in question is a sophomore, which in my school days was a 10th grader, but the point remains the same. I’d like to hear Constitutional Scholar and Certified Genius Obama explain three things from the Constitution:

    1) Where in the Constitution does abortion become a federal issue, and not part of the issues reserved for the states, under the 10th Amendment.

    2) Where in the takings clause does the federal government have the authority to take the private property of one private individual or organization and give it to another private individual or organization.

    3) How does the Commerce Clause — “regulate interstate commerce” — grant the government to compel private individuals buy a good or service in exchange for the “privilege” of being alive.

    In other words, the Constitutional underpinnings of Roe v. Wade, Kelo v. New London, and ObamaCare.

    But I ain’t holding my breath.


  20. jwest says:

    I would be worried that in a debate between Michelle Bachmann and Barack “Popeye” Obama, she would be totally confused by the nautical metaphors he so frequently uses in his writings.

  21. Meh, so I made a typo on the grade number. Sue me.

  22. Hey Norm says:

    You really do have to respect how quickly the wingnuts jump to defend the wingnut. A lit of ridiculous claims…but the blink uncritical loyalty is admirable.

  23. AllenS says:

    Hey Norm said…

    “A lit of ridiculous claims…but the blink uncritical loyalty is admirable.”

    What does that mean? Are you smarter than a third grader?

  24. AllenS says:

    I’m still waiting Mr. Mataconis, would you consider a 5th grader challenging Obama to a debate to be worth Obama’s time? If you think that having an 8th or 10th grader debate Senator Bachman is something worthwhile then surely a 5th grader should challenge the POTUS to a debate.

    Then you could say: “Mr. President, the ball is in your court.”

    Right, Mr. Mataconis?

  25. AllenS says:

    I think that it would be fair to say that a 3rd grader debate with Hey Norm would turn out to be an embarassment to Hey Norm.

  26. labman57 says:

    Bachmann couldn’t out-debate a 5th grader, which is one reason why she will never appear on Maddow or any other show where her banal, fact-devoid rhetoric would be challenged.

  27. Joe Randazzo says:

    Hey, Wingnuts… I live in Cherry Hill. Guess what? This girl IS a sophomore at Cherry Hill East H.S. I know the family, so forget the ghost writing, shill, and plant talk. She is for real and Bachmann should be running scared.