In Case You Were Looking For Proof That Chris Christie Will Not Be Vice-President
Here it is:
Gov. Chris Christie got into a heated argument on the Seaside Heights boardwalk Thursday night, according to the website
In a video posted to the website, Christie, seen holding an ice cream cone, grew angry at a passerby on the boardwalk who TMZ said shouted criticism of Christie’s education policy. The website said the confrontation happened last night as Christie was “hangin'” with his family in Seaside Heights.
“You’re a real big shot,” Christie said as he walked towards the man. “You’re a real big shot shooting your mouth off.”
The man shot back, “Nah, just take care of the teachers.”
As the man was leaving, Christie said, “Keep walking away. Really good. Keep walking,” and then was gently guided away by a man in his entourage. It’s unclear if the man is part of Christie’s State Trooper security detail.
Considering the fact that TMZ just happened to get the video, it’s possible this was a set up. But, guys, a confrontational style like this might work in New Jersey (and, trust me, it does) but it will not play well on the national scene. Personally, I can understand why Christie was pissed that some moron on the boardwalk started heckling him while he was with his family, though.
Here’s the video:
Personally, I can understand why Christie was pissed that some moron on the boardwalk started heckling him while he was with his family, though.
I guess, but the guy gets pissed at reporters who ask questions during Q&A at press conferences. He just doesn’t seem to be capable of not loudly voicing his displeasure when anyone does anything he dislikes.
mantis is right. I’d be surprised if Christie did not have a confrontation like this once a week. He seems to have no understanding of the concept that reasonable minds can differ and instead views anyone who disagrees with him as someone to be shouted down.
Can we go back to the days when we elected adults?
If I were Prez I’d tap him for AG or for DHS Secty. DOJ and DHS both need to be cleansed. Christie IMO would be ideal for either job.
@Tsar Nicholas:
If I were Prez I’d tap him for AG or for DHS Secty. DOJ and DHS both need to be cleansed. Christie IMO would be ideal for either job.
Because being a shouty jerk is the best way to run our security and justice departments? How so?
I have to agree. I don’t see that style working well inside the beltway
What an incredibly idiotic statement. The only reason Chris Christie is even known on the “national scene” is because of his confrontational style. There was a movement to draft him to run for President. Trust me, Doug, Christie’s style plays outside of New Jersey.
Trust me, Doug, Christie’s style plays outside of New Jersey.
To a very narrow audience.
a 450 pound man has a problem with self-control…who’da thunk it?
Christie’s style plays well with a lot of people. But at the same time, it’s become increasingly clear that whatever his other virtues, it’s very easy to get him to lose his cool.
The only parts of this country where that kind of sh!t “plays” is with all the faux tuff guys who wish they had the balls to act like that… But then I’ll bet Christie doesn’t have the balls either…. sans his State Troopers. Seriously, if fat boy acted like that in the places I know he’d get an ass whuppin’ double quick. And Jersey has plenty of places like that too.
My ex married an idiot just like Christie. Stood in the middle of main street screaming at me and giving me the finger…. from 50′ away.
“Brave brave brave Sir Robin, brave Sir Robin….”
Seriously, Christie should have stopped, looked from side to side to get onlookers’ attention and said calmly and in a strong voice to that moron, “isn’t it a shame when cousins marry?”
@Tsar Nicholas:
Just carry the vitriol that characterizes the political environment in our communities, right into the office? Great idea. Just what we need – an angry out of control Cabinet Secretary that people would hate and not respect right from the beginning.
I’m sure you’d like to work for someone like that.
Just what we need – an angry out of control Cabinet Secretary that people would hate and not respect right from the beginning.
And there’s no need to recruit Christie. Romney already has Bolton lined up…
One of these days somebody isn’t going to walk away, Chris.
Think it through, Sparky.
Apparently there is no shortage of angry conservative white guys available for cabinet level positions – who want to treat employees like attendants in the Romney Car Elevator.
@Moosebreath: mantis is right. I’d be surprised if Christie did not have a confrontation like this once a week. He seems to have no understanding of the concept that reasonable minds can differ and instead views anyone who disagrees with him as someone to be shouted down.
I wonder how much of that is shtick though. Is he really that tempermental, or does he know that people love to see him “stick it to the libs”?
Yeah, but then he would have been talking about himself.
“Is he really that tempermental, or does he know that people love to see him “stick it to the libs”?”
True. It has made him a favorite among the base, even though he has taken a host of positions which would make him anathema if they only knew.
@Moosebreath: The base knows. It’s just that the base has no more principles than the leaders do. It’s what happens when you look into the abyss–it looks back at you.
Fat and angry. No wonder his is a star in today’s GOP.
@OzarkHillbilly: “Seriously, if fat boy acted like that in the places I know he’d get an ass whuppin’ double quick. And Jersey has plenty of places like that too.”
It wouldn’t surprise me if, when he was younger, Christie was a tough braggart who could both take and give a good ass beatin’. That approach to life doesn’t age well, though, particularly when you turn into a beached whale.