Is This The Nastiest Campaign Season Ever? Not Even Close
We’ve seen plenty of nasty campaigning this year.
Alan Grayson’s “Draft Dodger” and “Talbian Dan” ads, Jack Conway’s “Aqua Buddha”, the Sharron Angle’s false ad claiming that Harry Reid voted to give Viagra to sex offenders, and yesterday’s Gawker piece on Christine O’Donnell can all be cited as evidence of that.
But is this the nastiest campaign season ever ? As shows, it’s not even close:
So, you know, things really aren’t that bad when you get right down to it.
You got that right. I’m not hearing about any state militias to be called out to march on DC to enforce one or the other outcome….
Jefferson actually financed newspapers whose sole purpose was to be anti-Federalist. Don’t think you could do that today…