Larry King Divorce #8

larry-king-divorce-tmzSeptugenarian talk host Larry King has just filed for divorce.  For the eighth time.

Larry, 76, and Shawn, 50, were married back in 1997 — they have two sons together.

Back in 2007, Shawn had bragged about being the only one of Larry’s wives to have made it into “the two digits.” She is the 7th woman to marry King.

As for the eight divorces — back in 1962, King divorced
a woman Alene Akins … and then remarried her in 1967 … before divorcing her again in 1972.

I don’t pretend to know the circumstances of King’s marriages and won’t pass judgment on them.  But, to save Andrew Sullivan the trouble, I’ll pose the rhetorical question:  How is it that allowing two men or two women to marry one another is ruinous to the institution of marriage but Larry King, Liz Taylor, and other serial divorcers are not?

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. How is it that allowing two men or two women to marry one another is ruinous to the institution of marriage but Larry King, Liz Taylor, and other serial divorcers are not?

    Who said it isn’t? Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  2. Best I can tell, the only marriages that Larry King seems to be ruining are his own.

    My marriage, for example, appears utterly unaffected by King’s.

  3. Valerie says:

    I agree. Gay people had nothing to do with my divorce but, they were fabulous at my wedding!

  4. arcs says:

    I had a young lady who worked for me for 2 years. During those 2 years, she married 4 times and divorced 3 times — to only 2 different men. Seems she could only stand marriage for about 6 months and divorce for week or so.

  5. Triumph says:

    I’ll pose the rhetorical question: How is it that allowing two men or two women to marry one another is ruinous to the institution of marriage but Larry King, Liz Taylor, and other serial divorcers are not?

    If we let the gays marry we are just opening the floodgates. The next thing you know people will be wanting to marry animals, trees, cars, etc…

    There is a link between the gays’ actions and pedophilia. The more we normalize this sort of behavior, the easier it will be for the gays to continue to recruit followers.

    You get a country full of gays, procreation stops and our economy either comes to a standstill, or we have to rely on anti-American immigrants for economic growth.

    Plus, giving the gays marriage rights continues to erode conservative values. The Bible talks about Adam and Eve–NOT Adam and Steve.

    Obama’s “election” is the culmination of the liberalization of traditional values. If we continue to erode these values, it will get even worse. Imagine a world worse than Obama’s nazist-commie utopia?!?!

    That’s what you have with the gays getting married.

  6. Brett says:

    Why does Larry King even bother getting married anymore after so many divorces? It just sounds like a lot of legal hassle for something he’ll just end up breaking every few years, unless he’s got a great divorce lawyer and a very well-worded prenuptial agreement.

  7. Janis Gore says:

    Reminds me of a much-marrying woman across the river. Her mama finally told her after the sixth husband that she didn’t necessarily have to marry every man she slept with.

  8. Idiot says:

    King should really considering renting or perhaps leasing rather than buying. Cheaper and everyone knows there is going to be a trade in upfront.