More Impeachment Evidence?

According to CNN, the House obtained additional documentary evidence from Lev Parnas in regards to Rudy Giulani’s efforts in Ukraine: House Democrats provide new evidence of Giuliani’s push to meet with Zelensky.
The House panel made some of the documents that Parnas provided public on Tuesday, including a letter from Giuliani to then-President-elect Zelensky requesting a meeting as the President’s personal attorney, as well as text messages that show Parnas’ communications with members of Zelesnky’s aides where he pursued a meeting between Zelensky and Giuliani and provided negative information about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.
The documents also include a hand-written note on stationary from the Ritz-Carlton in Vienna, Austria, that Bondy said was written by his client, which says: “get Zalensky (sic) to Annonce (sic) that the Biden case will Be Investigated.” There are also cryptic text messages suggesting that Yovanovitch’s movements were being tracked.
These simply provide further reasons for the Senate to have an actual trial, including witnesses. However, I remain skeptical that such a process will unfold.
Nonetheless, things are moving forward. Via WaPo: House to vote Wednesday to send impeachment articles against Trump to the Senate
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced that the House will vote Wednesday on a resolution appointing House impeachment managers and transmitting the articles of impeachment to the Senate, allowing the trial of President Trump to begin this week.
At a minimum, there aren’t the votes for am immediate dismissal.
“I don’t think there’s any interest on our side of dismissing,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), the fourth-ranking GOP senator. “Certainly, there aren’t 51 votes for a motion to dismiss.”
Spying on an ambassador of one’s own country, from a representative of the head of state of that country. Did we fall into a time portal and suddenly find ourselves in Byzantium in ancient times?
This is bad news for Trump. It will peel even more support from those still sane minded.
This is real evidence of crimes.
This document dump makes a quick trial or outright dismissal nearly impossible.
@EddieInCA: somebody joked that it was almost like they found his day planner and there were big blocks of time marked “DOIN’ CRIMES”
If you read what I linked to it shows just how brazen and “out there” the conspiracy actually was. It’s shocking. And I’m not shocked easily.
@EddieInCA: oh there’s some stuff being discussed on Twitter that suggests a Trumper associate named Robert F. Hyde was part of a group having Yovanovitch followed and talking about ‘doing something’ w/r/t her? And Yovanovitch was told she needed to leave immediately? And if I remember correctly a few months ago Trump said something about maybe something was going to happen to her???? WTF.
From a CNBC story from November:
Trump’s problem is that he, in his gross ignorance, and refusal/inability to learn, thought that he could run the country the way he ran–so to speak–his ramshackle sleazy real estate enterprise in NY.
It doesn’t work that way.
‘She’ is Ambassador Yovanovitch. Hyde is a guy who’s been seen with Trump. These texts happened in Ukraine.
In a sane world the FBI would be rolling trucks to the White House right now.
Broski. Nice.
Anyway, that all seems perfectly normal and I’m not sure the Ambassador to Ukraine has any expectation of privacy while moving in public in Ukraine so I don’t see why anyone could complain.
And Robert Hyde is apparently the same Robert Hyde who is running for Congress. Perhaps he was previously considering asking for an ambassadorship, and wanted to know what the job was like.
Oh Ye of little faith, Republicans have just begun to to befoul themselves. There is no depth they can not sink to.
Uh huh. Care to make an argument? Why is it that you make vapid comments, and refuse to engage?
You’re like a little kid who slaps another kid unexpectedly and runs away. Do you think it makes you look cool or smart? Because it’s pretty obvious to anyone who thinks about it that you’re a frightened and immature.
Political expediency turns out to be the most powerful thing on earth, almost omnipotent. Think, it has made the party of law and order aid an abet a high level, corrupt, criminal enterprise.
@Kurtz: An apt description.
Guarneri Agonistes
I strive unending
the pillars
of the temple libtard
to lay low while
about my head the gnats
of opinion received
swarm their foul dance.
Ah, how like farts in
an elevator
are my apothegms received.
Steady stout heart.
Brainless in Naples
I soldier on
more gas in the pipeline.
Just you wait and see.
@Kurtz: it’s good to have him around. The fact that he can’t defend the Republicans confirms my worldview.
@Kathy: I have been struggling to articulate how the Republican party has succumbed to the fear that only Donald Trump can bring them success as measured by the current economy or the appointment of certain types of judges. They have bought into the fear, hook, line and sinker, that whenever Trump goes (however Trump goes) this all goes with him. That’s how much faith they have in Pence or their party generally or America as an economic or political force. And I find that very troubling.
But another way to look at it is that the Republican party could not get anyone to implement their agenda other than a conspiracy-theory spouting man-child. I guess is says as much about their agenda as it does about their lack of faith.
@Kurtz: Guarneri has lost his focus and edge. He used to spout nonsense arguments. He’s no reduced to non-sequitur insults. Sad. Pathetic. Low Energy.
I’ve been reviewing part of 1984, specifically where O’Brien explains party politics to Winston. Here’s a piece that seems to apply to the modern GOP (emphasis added):
And it applies even more to Trump, in a dumbed-down, simplistic, ´Murica! sort fo way.
– Steven L. Taylor
@Joe: Yup.
@sam: Hahahaha…..that was excellent. Now do Paul, he’s got some material for ya over in the other thread. 😉