Most Overwrought Election Loss Reaction Ever
If you happened to be watching CNN last night, you saw this Barrett supporter being interviewed:
Calm down, dude.
If you happened to be watching CNN last night, you saw this Barrett supporter being interviewed:
Calm down, dude.
Also, puppies died last night. There will be no more cute puppies in America, because Scott Walker won.
That seems to be the loss meme, “We were outspent” but this guy takes it to comedy.
He will be the poster child, “the election went against us, democracy is dead”
Game over, man! GAME OVER!
@B. Minich:
I understand his grief. This morning I sold our cute little Jack Russell puppy to a Range Rover dealership, to be strapped to the roof of a car and driven to Canada to be sold into slavery.
Seriously, this is no country for cute puppies.
This man is actually a citizen of New York City expressing his feelings about Mayor Bloomberg’s soft drink law. “The end of democracy!”
@Racehorse: If this were really true he would have a legitimate beef.