MOVE: It’s been pretty seamless so far, except that for some odd reason the top several people on my blogroll are bunched together. I’ll fix it later–I have a meeting to attend–and hope it resolves itself in the meantime. Otherwise, everything seems to be working. My intention is to switch over to Moveable Type interface in the near future, but one thing at a time.
Update: My archives aren’t working either, for some reason–even though I can see them right there in the FTP folder. I’ve put in a ticket at Hosting Matters on it. We’ll see how fast they resolve it. Shouldn’t be hard to beat Blog*Spot’s record. Did I mention that I really, really don’t like Blog*Spot?
Update: I’ve fixed the blogroll and everything but the Archives. Which means no permalinks right this minute. I got a response from Hosting Matters, which helped some, but didn’t solve my problem. At least I got a response–a good sign.