New Poll Shows Majority Support For Same-Sex Marriage
A new CNN poll confirms what we’ve seen from other polls recently, that same-sex marriage now has majority support in the United States:
(CNN) – Support for same-sex marriage has received a boost, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research survey released Tuesday.
The poll indicates that more than half of all Americans believe that marriages between gay or lesbian couples should be legally valid. With 51 percent of respondents saying that same-sex marriages should be legal, it is the first time that a CNN poll has found majority support for same-sex marriage.
Although more Americans agree on this issue, a generation-and gender-gap still remains. Sixty percent of Americans under 50 support same-sex marriage, but only four in ten of those over 50 feel the same. More than half of men are against legalizing marriage between gay or lesbian couples, but 57 percent of women are in favor of it.
There’s also a partisan divide on the issue. “More than six in 10 Democrats support same sex marriage, joined by more than half of independents, but seven in 10 Republicans are against it,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
Considering where the public was on this issue just six or seven years ago, this is a pretty fascinating turn around.
I predict we’re about 5 points and one election away from Obama supporting legislation someone else draft.