James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.
I don’t think I need the New York Times to tell me this; even John Cole has gone bored and cooked up some blogger awards. Even I’m promoting five-question interviews (thanks to ASV and ATS) as a welcome break.
I guess the nation is reaching the YWP that Lileks is speaking of, and not just on political debate but on news in general.
Well, if the New York Times says it, it must be true.
I don’t think I need the New York Times to tell me this; even John Cole has gone bored and cooked up some blogger awards. Even I’m promoting five-question interviews (thanks to ASV and ATS) as a welcome break.
I guess the nation is reaching the YWP that Lileks is speaking of, and not just on political debate but on news in general.
Great advice from the NYT! I’ll skip that article since I’m burned out.
I’m not burned out, just overwhelmed by all the great blogs and online news that are now available.
I note they had the obligatory spin on Fox News’ bucking of the trend.
They’re whistling in the dark.