NLRB Drops Boeing Case
The case seems to have accomplished at least some of its goals, though:
A top official with the National Labor Relations Board announced on Friday that the agency was dropping its politically charged case against Boeing, in which the agency had accused the company of violating federal labor law by opening a new aircraft production plant in South Carolina.
The N.L.R.B.’s acting general counsel, Lafe Solomon, said the labor board had decided to end the case after the machinists’ union — which originally asked for the case to be brought — had urged the board on Thursday to withdraw it.
On Wednesday night, the union announced that 74 percent of its 31,000 Boeing workers in Washington State had voted to ratify a four-year contract extension that includes substantial raises, unusual job security provisions and a commitment by Boeing to expand aircraft production in the Puget Sound area.
The NLRB now needs to take up the case of a $254 million baseball enterprise that is currently threatening to leave St. Louis to go to another state. The effects on the local economy, which avoided city government shut downs thanks to the World Series, are significant.
@PD Shaw: The DEA needs to investigate the St. Louis Stinkbirds hiring of Mark Mcgwire as the team…hitting coach several years ago.
Any fool can see the result of the juice on St.L batting averages.
As for Alberta…he just ain’t human. He’s a clone or a robot hitting machine or a Replicant or something.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people….. It is not dead yet.