NY Post: Kerry Picks Gephardt


John Kerry has chosen Rep. Richard Gephardt, the veteran congressman from Missouri, to be his running mate, The Post has learned.

Gephardt, 63, a 28-year veteran of the House of Representatives, could be named by the presumptive Democratic nominee as the party’s vice-presidential candidate as soon as today.

The Massachusetts senator was set to announce the winner of the veep-stakes at a rally this morning in Pittsburgh, according to several reports last night.

With the July 26 Democratic convention in Boston looming, Kerry is looking for some advantage in the polls, and is hoping his choice of running mate will be the answer.

The polls have consistently shown him neck and neck with President Bush.

Gephardt, who was House majority leader from 1989 to 1995 and minority leader until 2002, could be an asset to Kerry in key battleground states in the Midwest.

He also has long been known as a supporter of organized labor, which leans heavily Democratic.

Gephardt had been one of those vying for the Democratic nomination along with Kerry, but folded up his operation after failing to win the caucuses in the neighboring state of Iowa.

He also lost an attempt at the nomination in 1988 to Michael Dukakis.

After holding local office in his native St. Louis, Gephardt was first elected to Congress in 1976.

I heard that the Post had an announcement on C-SPAN radio this morning driving in, but understood that it was Edwards. We’ll see if the “exclusive” is right.

NY Post Cover

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James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. WIlbur says:

    That cover is going to be a collector’s item now.

  2. Jeff Begley says:

    If not for the incorrectness of it, the impending obvious kiss Kerry and Gephardt appear to be waiting on is enough for me! I mean, could they have found a better picture?

  3. Gagne84 says:

    Typical of a Murdoch media outlet. Loud, wrong and beyond embarrassment.

  4. Gagne84 says:

    P.S. If this amuses you, check out http://www.mediamatters.org. You can get a daily dose of the big errors by Murdoch’s minions at Fox.