October Stats and Referrals
OTB had 277,305 unique visits, 574,819 page views, and 1,927,786 hits in the month of September according to my site host and a something like 225,000 unique visits according to SiteMeter. This was a slight drop from last month (but within the margin of error!) but the 3rd highest monthly total in OTB history(4th as calculated by SiteMeter).
The most popular posts, as judged by page entry, were Press Distorts Military Survey (13,276), Video: American Hostage Eugene Armstrong Beheaded (13,693), and Video: British Hostage Kenneth Bigley Beheaded (12,889). Here’s hoping some happier news replaces hostage beheadings on the search engine referrals soon.
The following sites were the top weblog referrers for the month of September:
- VodkaPundit 9000+
- Michelle Malkin 8500+
- The Jawa Report ~4500
- INDC Journal 2700+
- Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire 2500+
- Hedgehog Report ~2500
- Backcountry Conservative 5000+
- ScrappleFace 1800+
- Wizbang ~1500
- InstaPundit ~1500*
- Blogs of War 1400+
- Professor Bainbridge ~1400
- Hugh Hewitt ~1250
- PoliBlog 1200+
*Easily the smallest InstaLanche in OTB history. Not that I’m complaining.
They’ll be enshrined in the left sidebar until replaced by the November list. Thanks to all who read and link OTB.
I will pass along this handy tip: if “hostage beheading” starts to lose it’s traffic charm, try doing a post on “Arafat – Aids?” and watch the magic…
I just checked, and small dead animals is still number one on Google!! Woohoo!!!
I tried. So did Mama, accordin’ to Merle.
Oh, and as for rumors about Arafat: see this