OTB Caption Contest
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Winners for this contest will be announced next weekend
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time for the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners for this contest will be announced next weekend
Remember how cocky Obama was, said he’d show us how it’s done?
“And then I told him ‘Barack, have fun with the job, I’m sure you’ll do as well as I did'”
43: “And then we endangered the nation for 16 years with your strategic paralysis followed by my equal period of emotional overreactiomism!!! Poor Obama!! And I feel even worse for the sucker who succeeds him!!!”
42: “Hahahahhaha, hahahaha…um, wait, what??!!”
“Did you see the look on Obama’s face after Benghazi? What a marroon!”
“Hahahaaha,,, It was almost as lost as the look on your face on 9/11!!!”
“YEAH!!! Hahah….. Wait, what?”
[Comment removed due to violation of site policies]
Former Presidents Bush and Clinton discuss the 2016 Presidential field.
“Can you imagine if Sarah Palin were vice President right now?”
42: “What’s gray and comes in quarts?”
43: “I give up. What’s gray and comes in quarts?”
42: “The GOP elephant!”
“You know what’s *really* funny?!”
“Blue neckties!”
“For the inauguration, I gave Barack a box of cigars, and Michelle a guillotine cigar cutter”
“Wisdom of the People?”
@OzarkHillbilly: I kind of had a feeling. Let me try it this way:
“Did you see him try working with Republicans time and again?”
“Yeah, like people in my party would ever treat an American citizen of African descent as an equal.”
Same meaning, but it kind of loses it’s punch.
(and take note, I am not accusing Bush of being racist. The man has many faults, but that ain’t one of them)
“Remember when people actually thought our policies were different?”
Remember when Gore wanted to be President?
” … And then, Medvedyev said, ‘That’s not MY cigar, either!!!'”
Then I said “that’s not a cigar…”
Bush: “This guy Obama walks into a bar…”
Clinton: “Then she says, “I don’t swallow…”
Moderator: “Putin says he wants peace.”
“Chained CPI!” *laughter*
“No, seriously, chained CPI!” *more intense laughter*
“Congress!” *uncomfortably long intense laughter*
42: (laughing with tears in eyes) “No, no, wait…yeah, I know, Gore was a boob — invented the internet!! hahahahahahah. But, listen…
43: (writhing in laughter) “Invented the internet?? hahahahahah!! My guy usurped my entire PRESIDENCY!!! Hahahahahahaah!!
42: (laughing hysterically, more tears) “George, wait…George, listen…listen…that’s good, but listen…okay, you ready? hahahahahahaah, ready? SARAH PALIN!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!
43: Hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! Seriously, PALIN!!!!! How STUIPD was that???!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! Oh, sure, I got C’s at Yale, but PALIN???!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! No wonder he was the anchor man!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!
(Both Presidents continue their laughter uproar, slapping each other on the back and wincing in comedic pain…lights dim, curtain falls slowly)
“We call ourselves ‘The Aristocrats.'”
Yep, dumb-as-rocks Biden really is VP!
You sneaked up on top of the White House, too?
Yeah, Putin outsmarts Obama every time!
“And then Obama said he’d close Guantanamo and get the US out of Iraq.”
“So then I started reading the comments at Outside the Beltway…”
Clinton: “Do you ever regret giving up drinking?”
Bush: “Only everyday since Obama came in…”
Clinton: “Ha, Ha, Ha…”
“So then I told Hillary, sure I’ll behave while your in the White House. You can trust me completely.”
“Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?”
“You tell Jeb that Hillary’s not running in 2016 and I’ll tell Hillary that Jeb is definitely out…”
Clinton to W: I said “ping pong balls” not “invade iraq” you moron!
(with apologies to robin williams – “i said ping pong balls, not king kong’s balls)
Bush: “Well, a Texas Republican chairman I knows takes a cab ride, then he tips the driver and tells him to vote Republican to get votes”.
Clinton” Well, an Arkansas Democratic chairman I know, takes a cab, doesn’t tip the cab driver, and also tells him to vote Republican!”
Bush and Clinton: “Ha, Ha, Ha…”
Bush: “In hindsight, invading Iraq was a mistake…”
Clinton: “Looking at her hind, invading Monica Lewinsky was a mistake…”
Bush and Clinton: “Ha, Ha, Ha..”
Joe Lieberman: A Jew
John Kerry: Barely A Jew
Bill Clinton: Not A Jew
George W. Bush: Really Really Not A Jew…
“The Republican field for 2016 is looking very promising!”
“And then Ahmadinejad said, ‘Why do you snicker when I say I like sausage?'”
Two important steps in human evolution: Arkansas where shoes were a recent invention and George Bush, the first man-ape hybrid to walk upright after evolving from an ape…
@PAUL HOOSON: We await the third important step: Hooson gets a sense of humor.
@John425: Maybe another 100,000 years of evolution for me. Sometimes when I tell a joke the Irish in me shows up, when the Jew part really needed to come…
Bill Clinton: “I worked my way through college with odd jobs…”
George W. Bush: ” I worked as an organ grinder’s monkey…”
Bill Clinton: “I have to credit Georgetown and being a Rhodes scholar for my success…”
George W. Bush: “I have to credit my special ed teacher…”
Clinton: “Hillary and I might become a political dynasty of she’s elected president..”
Bush: “If my brother Jeb is elected, he will follow my father and me as a dynasty, sort of like The Three Stooges…”
“That was the mike hittin my pecker!!!”