OTB Caption Contest
Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners for this contest will be announced next weekend.
Time the Monday OTB Caption ContestTM
Winners for this contest will be announced next weekend.
I’ll make a fortune with this camel scuba rig, but first I have to find some water to test it.
The Afghan Queen gets ready for the attack run.
ISGC (Isil Strategic Ground Command) shows off it’s latest weapon at the Homs shot and weapon trade show. The MOAC (Mother Of All Camels) is projected to be a top five proliferation weapon this year.
It’s the Millenium Camel.
I once graced the cover of a cigarette box and now I am hauling oxygen…isn’t it ironic, don’t ya think?
Watch it with that left hand, buddy!
ISIS’s latest anti-aircraft guns aren’t quite working as hoped.
“Yes, I am courier for Amazon Prime, these go to Chandler Bing, 15 Yemen Road, Yemen”
@Mu: She’s a bit of a dromedary queen, don’t you think?
I know the problem, sir! You’re talking to the wrong end!
Under increasing scrutiny after the release of 13 Hours, the Clinton campaign released this picture of Joe Camel noting, “as we have previously said, unemployed and disenfranchised makes one such an easy target for radicalization; let us pray Joe is not exposed to an offensive youtube video.”
To bolster it’s claims of only peaceful intent nuclear applications, Iran demonstrated its environmentalist bona fides with the new Green single passenger flying Uber taxi. Secy Kerry immediately applauded “Iran’s genuine efforts to be a responsible world citizen in the face of the greatest danger facing the planet.”
The Taliban introduces their own ICBM (Improbable Camel-Based Missile).
John Kerry is latest devotee of Iranian drug with street name of Camel SniffButt
Steve Harvey inadvertently introduced the camel as Miss Afghanistan…. no one complained.
‘Will Hump for Explosives’
Joe Camel says, “Only you can prevent desert conspires.”
One hump or two in your IED?
Bernie Sanders latest campaign promise: a cruise missile in every cave.
Bundys move their encampment from Oregon to Syria
These new uparmored camels are much better than the old ones.
By the time Ahmed arrived at the casting call for Lawrence of Arabia, filming had ceased 54 years previously.
“I did not have missile relations with that camel. . . Miss Blowupski.”
Oxygen, acetylene, camel dung — all right, let’s blow this popsicle stand.
Clock boy’s latest invention: An ambulatory device for displaying fireworks.
Wow! Fedex hires anyone….
Most camels can store 30 gallons of water. This upgraded camel can store 60!
Taking the admonition to never transport a cylinder in the trunk of your car a bit too far. (Inside joke)
This guy does that one more time and he’s gonna get a shot of compressed gas that makes these bad boys look like limp balloons.
Here are the remaining members of Afghanistan’s bicameral government.
Just wait until he unpacks the camel to set up his shade….that will be a tents situation!
@Franklin: Bicameral? I thought Clinton ended that with “don’t ask, don’t tell”…
This is your country….This is country without any Jews….Any questions?
Inspired by the WWII era Soviet tank hunter dogs, ISIS develops a similar weapon, but with even less desirable results….
Angry his foreign film was snubbed by the Oscars?
Straight Outta Cairo….
Angry more Jews weren’t nominated for Oscars….
Like Trayvon Martin, willing to wander through dangerous territory to buy a pack of Skittles…
Wow! That Paul Giamatti has sure hit hard times. First he’s doing TV ad instead of movies, now this is his home…
Flint Michigan Water Specialist?