Overdosing on Michael Jackson

Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Lester:

via Frank Stephenson via Robert Prather

FILED UNDER: Humor, Media, Popular Culture, ,
James Joyner
About James Joyner
James Joyner is a Professor of Security Studies. He's a former Army officer and Desert Storm veteran. Views expressed here are his own. Follow James on Twitter @DrJJoyner.


  1. mpw280 says:

    Very appropriate since Drudge is reporting that Iran has hanged 6 of the protesters and is breaking out the windows of any car that honks its horn in support of the opposition. Yet we support achmahandijob and denounce the rightful government of Honduras protecting its constitution from a chavez wannabe. To quote Roger Rabbit “what a maroon” we elected to president. m pw

  2. G.A.Phillips says:

    The Empty always care more about nothing….

  3. just me says:

    I read somewhere yesterday that Michael Jackson’s death is the Lady Di moment for the US, except that the US was just as bad then.

    I really don’t get this fan worship over the death of a celebrity. Yes it is sad, but the world didn’t end, and I can’t see covering it 24/7 when there is so much in the world that really is far more important and affects our lives so much more.

  4. hcantrall says:

    I appreciated all of the coverage of crazy people sobbing in the streets over MJ’s death. It lets me know that there are a hell of a lot more crazy people in this world than I ever imagined.

    I grew up in the 80’s and was a big fan of MJ too but for love of pete, this last few days has been insane.

  5. G.A.Phillips says:

    I grew up in the 80’s and was a big fan of MJ too but for love of pete, this last few days has been insane.

    I was a bigger fan of the J5 when I was kid and it sucks that he died like this.

    But man I have heard
    people have been killing themselves…….along with the relentless coverage of the what, were, why,how and the worship like morning…..

    On a side note: R.I.P. Michael, I always wanted to believe you were innocent…….

  6. Eric Florack says:

    Do you know, there are reports of MJ fans committing suicide over his death?

    Darwin in action, indeed.

  7. Eneils Bailey says:

    Yes it is sad, but the world didn’t end…

    You are right, and neither did the circus atmosphere surrounding his personal life and is continuing into his death.
    The devotion and carnival like antics of his fans is understood by the press. The press is playing it to the hilt.

    Enough already, just get it over with. How can we miss you if you won’t go away?

  8. Drew says:

    “Do you know, there are reports of MJ fans committing suicide over his death?”

    One fewer Obama voter.

  9. markm says:

    I appreciated all of the coverage of crazy people sobbing in the streets over MJ’s death. It lets me know that there are a hell of a lot more crazy people in this world than I ever imagined.

    I may have a twisted view on things….but when I see these “crazy” people being interviewed, all I can think of is “jury of peers”. Gives me the weebeejeebees.

  10. Eneils Bailey says:

    I have noticed that a substantial portion of his mourning fans making asses of themselves in public seem to be approaching or attained middle age status.
    Must have been an empty life. Let’s hope they did not have children..

  11. G.A.Phillips says:

    One fewer Obama voter.

    I heard it was lots more then that……..

  12. An Interested Party says:

    One fewer Obama voter.

    Oh that’s ok…the president will have ACORN on board to help him win the next election…